Quick Start
AgentScope is designed with a flexible communication mechanism. In this tutorial, we will introduce the basic usage of AgentScope via a simple standalone conversation between two agents (e.g. user and assistant agents).
Step1: Prepare Model
AgentScope decouples the deployment and invocation of models to better build multi-agent applications.
In terms of model deployment, users can use third-party model services such as OpenAI API, Google Gemini API, HuggingFace/ModelScope Inference API, or quickly deploy local open-source model services through the scripts in the repository.
While for model invocation, users should prepare a model configuration to specify the model service. Taking OpenAI Chat API as an example, the model configuration is like this:
model_config = {
"config_name": "{config_name}", # A unique name for the model config.
"model_type": "openai_chat", # Choose from "openai_chat", "openai_dall_e", or "openai_embedding".
"model_name": "{model_name}", # The model identifier used in the OpenAI API, such as "gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4", or "text-embedding-ada-002".
"api_key": "xxx", # Your OpenAI API key. If unset, the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY is used.
"organization": "xxx", # Your OpenAI organization ID. If unset, the environment variable OPENAI_ORGANIZATION is used.
More details about model invocation, deployment and open-source models please refer to Model section.
After preparing the model configuration, you can register your configuration by calling the init
method of AgentScope. Additionally, you can load multiple model configurations at once.
import agentscope
# init once by passing a list of config dict
openai_cfg_dict = {
# ...
modelscope_cfg_dict = {
# ...
agentscope.init(model_configs=[openai_cfg_dict, modelscope_cfg_dict])
Step2: Create Agents
Creating agents is straightforward in AgentScope. After initializing AgentScope with your model configurations (Step 1 above), you can then define each agent with its corresponding role and specific model.
import agentscope
from agentscope.agents import DialogAgent, UserAgent
# read model configs
# Create a dialog agent and a user agent
dialogAgent = DialogAgent(name="assistant", model_config_name="gpt-4", sys_prompt="You are a helpful ai assistant")
userAgent = UserAgent()
NOTE: Please refer to Customizing Your Own Agent for all available agents.
Step3: Agent Conversation
“Message” is the primary means of communication between agents in AgentScope. They are Python dictionaries comprising essential fields like the actual content
of this message and the sender’s name
. Optionally, a message can include a url
to either a local file (image, video or audio) or website.
from agentscope.message import Msg
# Example of a simple text message from Alice
message_from_alice = Msg("Alice", "Hi!")
# Example of a message from Bob with an attached image
message_from_bob = Msg("Bob", "What about this picture I took?", url="/path/to/picture.jpg")
To start a conversation between two agents, such as dialog_agent
and user_agent
, you can use the following loop. The conversation continues until the user inputs "exit"
which terminates the interaction.
x = None
while True:
x = dialogAgent(x)
x = userAgent(x)
# Terminate the conversation if the user types "exit"
if x.content == "exit":
print("Exiting the conversation.")
For a more advanced approach, AgentScope offers the option of using pipelines to manage the flow of messages between agents. The sequentialpipeline
stands for sequential speech, where each agent receive message from last agent and generate its response accordingly.
from agentscope.pipelines.functional import sequentialpipeline
# Execute the conversation loop within a pipeline structure
x = None
while x is None or x.content != "exit":
x = sequentialpipeline([dialog_agent, user_agent])
For more details about how to utilize pipelines for complex agent interactions, please refer to Pipeline and MsgHub.