agentscope.environment.env 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The env module."""
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, List, Callable
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import inspect
from loguru import logger
from ..exception import (
from .event import Event
from ..rpc.rpc_meta import RpcMeta, sync_func

[文档] def trigger_listener(env: "Env", event: Event) -> None: """Trigger the listener bound to the event. Args: env (`Env`): The env that trigger the listener. event (`Event`): The event information. """ futures = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: for listener in env.get_listeners( futures.append(executor.submit(listener, env, event)) for future in futures: future.result()
[文档] def event_func(func: Callable) -> Callable: """A decorator to register an event function in `Env` and its subclasses. Note: This decorator is only available in the subclasses of `Env`. If a function is decorated with `@event_func`, at the end of the function, all listeners bound to the function will be triggered automatically. Args: func (`Callable`): The event function. Returns: `Callable`: The decorated event function. """ def wrapper( # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] *args, **kwargs, ) -> Any: # get the dict format args of the decorated function sig = inspect.signature(func) bound_args = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) bound_args.apply_defaults() args_dict = bound_args.arguments # call the function returns = func(*args, **kwargs) self = args_dict.pop("self") trigger_listener( env=self, event=Event( name=func.__name__, args=args_dict, returns=returns, ), ) return returns return wrapper
[文档] class EventListener(ABC): """A base class representing a listener for listening the event of an environment. The actions of the listener should be implemented in the `__call__` method. Args: env (`Env`): The environment instance who trigger the listener. event (`Event`): The event information, which contains the event function name (`name`: `str`), the arguments of the event function (`args`: `dict`), and the return value of the event function (`returns`: `Any`). Note: `EventListener` can only be bound to event functions (decorated with `@event_func`). """ def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: """Init a EventListener instance. Args: name (`str`): The name of the listener. """ = name @abstractmethod def __call__( self, env: Env, event: Event, ) -> None: """Activate the listener. Args: env (`Env`): The env bound to the listener. event (`Event`): The event information. """
[文档] class Env(ABC, metaclass=RpcMeta): """The Env Interface. `Env` is a key concept of AgentScope, representing global data shared among agents. Each env has its own name and value, and multiple envs can be organized into a tree structure, where each env can have multiple children envs. Different implementations of envs may have different event functions, which are marked by `@event_func`. Users can bind `EventListener` to specific event functions, and the listener will be activated when the event function is called. """ @property @abstractmethod def name(self) -> str: """Name of the env. Returns: `str`: The name of the env. """
[文档] @abstractmethod def get_children(self) -> dict[str, Env]: """Get the children envs of the current env. Returns: `dict[str, Env]`: The children envs. """
[文档] @abstractmethod def add_child(self, child: Env) -> bool: """Add a child env to the current env. Args: child (`Env`): The children envs. Returns: `bool`: Whether the children were added successfully. """
[文档] @abstractmethod def remove_child(self, children_name: str) -> bool: """Remove a child env from the current env. Args: children_name (`str`): The name of the children env. Returns: `bool`: Whether the children were removed successfully. """
[文档] @abstractmethod def add_listener(self, target_event: str, listener: EventListener) -> bool: """Add a listener to the env. Args: target_event (`str`): The event function to listen. listener (`EventListener`): The listener to add. Returns: `bool`: Whether the listener was added successfully. """
[文档] @abstractmethod def remove_listener(self, target_event: str, listener_name: str) -> bool: """Remove a listener from the env. Args: target_event (`str`): The event function. listener_name (`str`): The name of the listener to remove. Returns: `bool`: Whether the listener was removed successfully. """
[文档] @abstractmethod def get_listeners(self, target_event: str) -> List[EventListener]: """Get the listeners of the specific event. Args: target_event (`str`): The event name. Returns: `List[EventListener]`: The listeners of the specific event. """
@sync_func @abstractmethod def __getitem__(self, env_name: str) -> Env: """Get a child env.""" @abstractmethod def __setitem__(self, env_name: str, env: Env) -> None: """Set a child env."""
[文档] @abstractmethod def describe(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Describe the current state of the environment."""
[文档] class BasicEnv(Env): """A basic implementation of Env, which has no event function and cannot get value. Note: `BasicEnv` is used as the base class to implement other envs. Application developers should not use this class. """ def __init__( self, name: str, listeners: dict[str, List[EventListener]] = None, children: List[Env] = None, ) -> None: """Init an BasicEnv instance. Args: name (`str`): The name of the env. listeners (`dict[str, List[EventListener]]`, optional): The listener dict. Defaults to None. children (`List[Env]`, optional): A list of children envs. Defaults to None. """ self._name = name self.children = { child for child in (children if children else []) } self.event_listeners = {} if listeners: for target_func, listener in listeners.items(): if isinstance(listener, EventListener): self.add_listener(target_func, listener) else: for ls in listener: self.add_listener(target_func, ls) @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of the env""" return self._name
[文档] def get_children(self) -> dict[str, Env]: """Get the children envs of the current env. Returns: `dict[str, Env]`: The children envs. """ return self.children
[文档] def add_child(self, child: Env) -> bool: """Add a child env to the current env. Args: child (`Env`): The children envs. Returns: `bool`: Whether the children were added successfully. """ if in self.children: return False self.children[] = child return True
[文档] def remove_child(self, children_name: str) -> bool: """Remove a child env from the current env. Args: children_name (`str`): The name of the children env. Returns: `bool`: Whether the children were removed successfully. """ if children_name in self.children: del self.children[children_name] return True return False
[文档] def add_listener(self, target_event: str, listener: EventListener) -> bool: """Add a listener to the env. Args: target_event (`str`): The name of the event to listen. listener (`EventListener`): The listener to add. Returns: `bool`: Whether the listener was added successfully. """ if hasattr(self, target_event): if target_event not in self.event_listeners: self.event_listeners[target_event] = {} if not in self.event_listeners[target_event]: self.event_listeners[target_event][] = listener return True else: logger.warning( f"Listener {} already " f"exists in {target_event}", ) else: logger.warning(f"Event {target_event} does not exist") return False
[文档] def remove_listener(self, target_event: str, listener_name: str) -> bool: """Remove a listener from the env. Args: target_event (`str`): The event name. listener_name (`str`): The name of the listener to remove. Returns: `bool`: Whether the listener was removed successfully. """ if target_event in self.event_listeners: if listener_name in self.event_listeners[target_event]: del self.event_listeners[target_event][listener_name] return True else: logger.warning( f"Listener {listener_name} does not" f" exist in {target_event}", ) else: logger.warning(f"Event {target_event} does not exist") return False
[文档] def get_listeners(self, target_event: str) -> List[EventListener]: """Get the listeners of the specific event. Args: target_event (`str`): The event name. Returns: `List[EventListener]`: The listeners of the specific event. """ if target_event in self.event_listeners: return list(self.event_listeners[target_event].values()) else: return []
[文档] def describe(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Describe the current state of the environment.""" raise NotImplementedError( "`describe` is not implemented in `BasicEnv`.", )
def __getitem__(self, env_name: str) -> Env: if env_name in self.children: return self.children[env_name] else: raise EnvNotFoundError(env_name) def __setitem__(self, env_name: str, env: Env) -> None: if not isinstance(env, Env): raise TypeError("Only Env can be set") if env_name not in self.children: self.children[env_name] = env logger.debug(f"Set Env[{env_name}] as child of Env[{}]") else: raise EnvAlreadyExistError(env_name)