agentscope.message.msg 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# mypy: disable-error-code="misc"
"""The base class for message unit"""
from typing import (
from uuid import uuid4

from loguru import logger

from ..serialize import is_serializable
from ..utils.common import (

[文档] class Msg: """The message class for AgentScope, which is responsible for storing the information of a message, including - id: the identity of the message - name: who sends the message - content: the message content - role: the sender role chosen from 'system', 'user', 'assistant' - url: the url(s) refers to multimodal content - metadata: some additional information - timestamp: when the message is created """ __serialized_attrs: set = { "id", "name", "content", "role", "url", "metadata", "timestamp", } """The attributes that need to be serialized and deserialized.""" def __init__( self, name: str, content: Any, role: Union[str, Literal["system", "user", "assistant"]], url: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, metadata: Optional[Union[dict, str]] = None, echo: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Initialize the message object. There are two ways to initialize a message object: - Providing `name`, `content`, `role`, `url`(Optional), `metadata`(Optional) to initialize a normal message object. - Providing `host`, `port`, `task_id` to initialize a placeholder. Normally, users only need to create a normal message object by providing `name`, `content`, `role`, `url`(Optional) and `metadata` (Optional). The initialization of message has a high priority, which means that when `name`, `content`, `role`, `host`, `port`, `task_id` are all provided, the message will be initialized as a normal message object rather than a placeholder. Args: name (`str`): The name of who generates the message. content (`Any`): The content of the message. role (`Union[str, Literal["system", "user", "assistant"]]`): The role of the message sender. url (`Optional[Union[str, List[str]]`, defaults to `None`): The url of the message. metadata (`Optional[Union[dict, str]]`, defaults to `None`): The additional information stored in the message. echo (`bool`, defaults to `False`): Whether to print the message when initializing the message obj. """ = uuid4().hex = name self.content = content self.role = role self.url = url self.metadata = metadata self.timestamp = _get_timestamp() if kwargs: logger.warning( f"In current version, the message class in AgentScope does not" f" inherit the dict class. " f"The input arguments {kwargs} are not used.", ) if echo: def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Any: """The getitem function, which will be deprecated in the new version""" logger.warning( f"The Msg class doesn't inherit dict any more. Please refer to " f"its attribute by `msg.{item}` directly." f"The support of __getitem__ will also be deprecated in the " f"future.", ) return self.__getattribute__(item) @property def id(self) -> str: """The identity of the message.""" return self._id @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the message sender.""" return self._name @property def _colored_name(self) -> str: """The name around with color marks, used to print in the terminal.""" m1, m2 = _map_string_to_color_mark( return f"{m1}{}{m2}" @property def content(self) -> Any: """The content of the message.""" return self._content @property def role(self) -> Literal["system", "user", "assistant"]: """The role of the message sender, chosen from 'system', 'user', 'assistant'.""" return self._role @property def url(self) -> Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]: """A URL string or a list of URL strings.""" return self._url @property def metadata(self) -> Optional[Union[dict, str]]: """The metadata of the message, which can store some additional information.""" return self._metadata @property def timestamp(self) -> str: """The timestamp when the message is created.""" return self._timestamp @id.setter # type: ignore[no-redef] def id(self, value: str) -> None: """Set the identity of the message.""" self._id = value @name.setter # type: ignore[no-redef] def name(self, value: str) -> None: """Set the name of the message sender.""" self._name = value @content.setter # type: ignore[no-redef] def content(self, value: Any) -> None: """Set the content of the message.""" if not is_serializable(value): logger.warning( f"The content of {type(value)} is not serializable, which " f"may cause problems.", ) self._content = value @role.setter # type: ignore[no-redef] def role(self, value: Literal["system", "user", "assistant"]) -> None: """Set the role of the message sender. The role must be one of 'system', 'user', 'assistant'.""" if value not in ["system", "user", "assistant"]: raise ValueError( f"Invalid role {value}. The role must be one of " f"['system', 'user', 'assistant']", ) self._role = value @url.setter # type: ignore[no-redef] def url(self, value: Union[str, List[str], None]) -> None: """Set the url of the message. The url can be a URL string or a list of URL strings.""" self._url = value @metadata.setter # type: ignore[no-redef] def metadata(self, value: Union[dict, str, None]) -> None: """Set the metadata of the message to store some additional information.""" self._metadata = value @timestamp.setter # type: ignore[no-redef] def timestamp(self, value: str) -> None: """Set the timestamp of the message.""" self._timestamp = value
[文档] def formatted_str(self, colored: bool = False) -> str: """Return the formatted string of the message. If the message has an url, the url will be appended to the content. Args: colored (`bool`, defaults to `False`): Whether to color the name of the message Returns: `str`: The formatted string of the message. """ if colored: name = self._colored_name else: name = colored_strs = [f"{name}: {self.content}"] if self.url is not None: if isinstance(self.url, list): for url in self.url: colored_strs.append(f"{name}: {url}") else: colored_strs.append(f"{name}: {self.url}") return "\n".join(colored_strs)
def __eq__(self, value: object) -> bool: return ( isinstance(value, Msg) and == and == and self.content == value.content and self.role == value.role and self.url == value.url and self.metadata == value.metadata and self.timestamp == value.timestamp )
[文档] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Serialize the message into a dictionary, which can be deserialized by calling the `from_dict` function. Returns: `dict`: The serialized dictionary. """ serialized_dict = { "__module__": self.__class__.__module__, "__name__": self.__class__.__name__, } for attr_name in self.__serialized_attrs: serialized_dict[attr_name] = getattr(self, f"_{attr_name}") return serialized_dict
[文档] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, serialized_dict: dict) -> "Msg": """Deserialize the dictionary to a Msg object. Args: serialized_dict (`dict`): A dictionary that must contain the keys in `Msg.__serialized_attrs`, and the keys `__module__` and `__name__`. Returns: `Msg`: A Msg object. """ assert set( serialized_dict.keys(), ) == cls.__serialized_attrs.union( { "__module__", "__name__", }, ), ( f"Expect keys {cls.__serialized_attrs}, but get " f"{set(serialized_dict.keys())}", ) assert serialized_dict.pop("__module__") == cls.__module__ assert serialized_dict.pop("__name__") == cls.__name__ obj = cls( name=serialized_dict["name"], content=serialized_dict["content"], role=serialized_dict["role"], url=serialized_dict["url"], metadata=serialized_dict["metadata"], echo=False, ) = serialized_dict["id"] obj.timestamp = serialized_dict["timestamp"] return obj