agentscope.server.launcher 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Server of distributed agent"""
import os
import sys
import asyncio
import signal
import argparse
import time
import importlib
import json
from multiprocessing import Process, Event, Pipe
from multiprocessing.synchronize import Event as EventClass
from concurrent import futures
from loguru import logger

    import grpc
    from agentscope.rpc.rpc_agent_pb2_grpc import (
except ImportError as import_error:
    from agentscope.utils.common import ImportErrorReporter

    grpc = ImportErrorReporter(import_error, "distribute")
    add_RpcAgentServicer_to_server = ImportErrorReporter(
import agentscope
from ..rpc.rpc_meta import RpcMeta
from ..server.servicer import AgentServerServicer
from ..utils.common import _check_port, _generate_id_from_seed
from ..constants import _DEFAULT_RPC_OPTIONS

def _setup_agent_server(
    host: str,
    port: int,
    server_id: str,
    init_settings: dict = None,
    start_event: EventClass = None,
    stop_event: EventClass = None,
    pipe: int = None,
    local_mode: bool = True,
    capacity: int = 32,
    pool_type: str = "local",
    redis_url: str = "redis://localhost:6379",
    max_pool_size: int = 8192,
    max_expire_time: int = 7200,
    max_timeout_seconds: int = 5,
    studio_url: str = None,
    custom_agent_classes: list = None,
    agent_dir: str = None,
) -> None:
    """Setup agent server.

        host (`str`, defaults to `"localhost"`):
            Hostname of the agent server.
        port (`int`):
            The socket port monitored by the agent server.
        server_id (`str`):
            The id of the server.
        init_settings (`dict`, defaults to `None`):
            Init settings for _init_server.
        start_event (`EventClass`, defaults to `None`):
            An Event instance used to determine whether the child process
            has been started.
        stop_event (`EventClass`, defaults to `None`):
            The stop Event instance used to determine whether the child
            process has been stopped.
        pipe (`int`, defaults to `None`):
            A pipe instance used to pass the actual port of the server.
        local_mode (`bool`, defaults to `True`):
            Only listen to local requests.
        capacity (`int`, default to `32`):
            The number of concurrent agents in the server.
        pool_type (`str`, defaults to `"local"`): The type of the async
            message pool, which can be `local` or `redis`. If `redis` is
            specified, you need to start a redis server before launching
            the server.
        redis_url (`str`, defaults to `"redis://localhost:6379"`): The
            url of the redis server.
        max_pool_size (`int`, defaults to `8192`):
            Max number of agent replies that the server can accommodate.
        max_expire_time (`int`, defaults to `7200`):
            Maximum time for async results to be cached in the server.
            Note that expired messages will be deleted.
        max_timeout_seconds (`int`, defaults to `5`):
            The maximum time (in seconds) that the server will wait for
            the result of an async call.
        studio_url (`str`, defaults to `None`):
            URL of the AgentScope Studio.
        custom_agent_classes (`list`, defaults to `None`):
            A list of customized agent classes that are not in
        agent_dir (`str`, defaults to `None`):
            The abs path to the directory containing customized agent python

async def _setup_agent_server_async(  # pylint: disable=R0912
    host: str,
    port: int,
    server_id: str,
    init_settings: dict = None,
    start_event: EventClass = None,
    stop_event: EventClass = None,
    pipe: int = None,
    local_mode: bool = True,
    capacity: int = 32,
    pool_type: str = "local",
    redis_url: str = "redis://localhost:6379",
    max_pool_size: int = 8192,
    max_expire_time: int = 7200,
    max_timeout_seconds: int = 5,
    studio_url: str = None,
    custom_classes: list = None,
    agent_dir: str = None,
) -> None:
    """Setup agent server in an async way.

        host (`str`, defaults to `"localhost"`):
            Hostname of the agent server.
        port (`int`):
            The socket port monitored by the agent server.
        server_id (`str`):
            The id of the server.
        init_settings (`dict`, defaults to `None`):
            Init settings for _init_server.
        start_event (`EventClass`, defaults to `None`):
            An Event instance used to determine whether the child process
            has been started.
        pipe (`int`, defaults to `None`):
            A pipe instance used to pass the actual port of the server.
        local_mode (`bool`, defaults to `True`):
            If `True`, only listen to requests from "localhost", otherwise,
            listen to requests from all hosts.
        capacity (`int`, default to `32`):
            The number of concurrent agents in the server.
        pool_type (`str`, defaults to `"local"`): The type of the async
            message pool, which can be `local` or `redis`. If `redis` is
            specified, you need to start a redis server before launching
            the server.
        redis_url (`str`, defaults to `"redis://localhost:6379"`): The url
            of the redis server.
        max_pool_size (`int`, defaults to `8192`):
            The max number of agent reply messages that the server can
            accommodate. Note that the oldest message will be deleted
            after exceeding the pool size.
        max_expire_time (`int`, defaults to `7200`):
            Maximum time for async results to be cached in the server.
            Note that expired messages will be deleted.
        max_timeout_seconds (`int`, defaults to `5`):
            The maximum time (in seconds) that the server will wait for
            the result of an async call.
        studio_url (`str`, defaults to `None`):
            URL of the AgentScope Studio.
        custom_classes (`list`, defaults to `None`):
            A list of customized agent classes that are not in
        agent_dir (`str`, defaults to `None`):
            The abs path to the directory containing customized agent python

    if init_settings is not None:
        from agentscope.manager import ASManager


    servicer = AgentServerServicer(
    if custom_classes is None:
        custom_classes = []
    if agent_dir is not None:
    # update agent registry
    for cls in custom_classes:

    async def shutdown_signal_handler() -> None:
            f"Received shutdown signal. Gracefully stopping the server at "
        if stop_event is not None:
        await server.stop(grace=5)

    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
    if != "nt":
        # windows does not support add_signal_handler
        for sig in (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM):
                lambda: asyncio.create_task(shutdown_signal_handler()),
    while True:
            port = _check_port(port)
            servicer.port = port
            server = grpc.aio.server(
                # set max message size to 32 MB
            add_RpcAgentServicer_to_server(servicer, server)
            if local_mode:
            await server.start()
        except OSError:
                f"Failed to start agent server at port [{port}]"
                f"try another port",
        f"agent server [{server_id}] at {host}:{port} started successfully",
    if start_event is not None:
    while not stop_event.is_set():
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        f"Stopping agent server at [{host}:{port}]",
    await server.stop(grace=10.0)
        f"agent server [{server_id}] at {host}:{port} stopped successfully",

[文档] def load_custom_class_from_file(agent_file: str) -> list: """Load AgentBase sub classes from a python file. Args: agent_file (str): the path to the python file. Returns: list: a list of agent classes """ module_path = agent_file.replace(os.sep, ".") module_name = module_path[:-3] spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( module_name, agent_file, ) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) # type: ignore[arg-type] spec.loader.exec_module(module) custom_classes = [] for attr_name in dir(module): attr = getattr(module, attr_name) if isinstance(attr, type): custom_classes.append(attr) return custom_classes
[文档] def load_agents_from_dir(agent_dir: str) -> list: """Load customized agents from a directory. Args: agent_dir (`str`): a directory contains customized agent python files. Returns: list: a list of customized agent classes """ if agent_dir is None: return [] original_sys_path = sys.path.copy() abs_agent_dir = os.path.abspath(agent_dir) sys.path.insert(0, abs_agent_dir) try: custom_agent_classes = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(agent_dir): for file in files: if file.endswith(".py"): try: module_path = os.path.join(root, file) custom_agent_classes.extend( load_custom_class_from_file(module_path), ) except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Failed to load agent class from [{file}]: {e}", ) return custom_agent_classes finally: sys.path = original_sys_path
[文档] class RpcAgentServerLauncher: """The launcher of AgentServer.""" def __init__( self, host: str = "localhost", port: int = None, capacity: int = 32, pool_type: str = "local", redis_url: str = "redis://localhost:6379", max_pool_size: int = 8192, max_expire_time: int = 7200, max_timeout_seconds: int = 5, local_mode: bool = False, agent_dir: str = None, custom_agent_classes: list = None, server_id: str = None, studio_url: str = None, ) -> None: """Init a launcher of agent server. Args: host (`str`, defaults to `"localhost"`): Hostname of the agent server. port (`int`, defaults to `None`): Socket port of the agent server. capacity (`int`, default to `32`): The number of concurrent agents in the server. pool_type (`str`, defaults to `"local"`): The type of the async message pool, which can be `local` or `redis`. If `redis` is specified, you need to start a redis server before launching the server. redis_url (`str`): The address of the redis server. Defaults to `redis://localhost:6379`. max_pool_size (`int`, defaults to `8192`): The max number of async results that the server can accommodate. Note that the oldest result will be deleted after exceeding the pool size. max_expire_time (`int`, defaults to `7200`): Maximum time for async results to be cached in the server. Note that expired messages will be deleted. max_timeout_seconds (`int`, defaults to `5`): Max timeout seconds for rpc calls. local_mode (`bool`, defaults to `False`): If `True`, only listen to requests from "localhost", otherwise, listen to requests from all hosts. agent_dir (`str`, defaults to `None`): The directory containing customized agent python files. custom_agent_classes (`list`, defaults to `None`): A list of customized agent classes that are not in `agentscope.agents`. server_id (`str`, defaults to `None`): The id of the agent server. If not specified, a random id will be generated. studio_url (`Optional[str]`, defaults to `None`): The url of the agentscope studio. """ = host self.port = _check_port(port) self.capacity = capacity self.pool_type = pool_type self.redis_url = redis_url self.max_pool_size = max_pool_size self.max_expire_time = max_expire_time self.max_timeout_seconds = max_timeout_seconds self.local_mode = local_mode self.server = None self.parent_con = None self.custom_agent_classes = custom_agent_classes self.stop_event = Event() self.agent_dir = ( os.path.abspath(agent_dir) if agent_dir is not None else None ) self.server_id = ( RpcAgentServerLauncher.generate_server_id(, self.port) if server_id is None else server_id ) self.studio_url = studio_url
[文档] @classmethod def generate_server_id(cls, host: str, port: int) -> str: """Generate server id""" return _generate_id_from_seed(f"{host}:{port}:{time.time()}", length=8)
def _launch_in_main(self) -> None: """Launch agent server in main-process""" f"Launching agent server at [{}:{self.port}]...", ) _setup_agent_server_async(, port=self.port, capacity=self.capacity, stop_event=self.stop_event, server_id=self.server_id, pool_type=self.pool_type, redis_url=self.redis_url, max_pool_size=self.max_pool_size, max_expire_time=self.max_expire_time, max_timeout_seconds=self.max_timeout_seconds, local_mode=self.local_mode, custom_classes=self.custom_agent_classes, agent_dir=self.agent_dir, studio_url=self.studio_url, ), ) def _launch_in_sub(self) -> None: """Launch an agent server in sub-process.""" from agentscope.manager import ASManager from agentscope.rpc import RpcClient init_settings = ASManager.get_instance().state_dict() # gRPC channel should be closed before forking new process # ref: for ( _, channel, ) in RpcClient._CHANNEL_POOL.items(): # pylint: disable=W0212 channel.close() RpcClient._CHANNEL_POOL.clear() # pylint: disable=W0212 self.parent_con, child_con = Pipe() start_event = Event() server_process = Process( target=_setup_agent_server, kwargs={ "host":, "port": self.port, "server_id": self.server_id, "init_settings": init_settings, "start_event": start_event, "stop_event": self.stop_event, "pipe": child_con, "pool_type": self.pool_type, "redis_url": self.redis_url, "max_pool_size": self.max_pool_size, "max_expire_time": self.max_expire_time, "max_timeout_seconds": self.max_timeout_seconds, "local_mode": self.local_mode, "studio_url": self.studio_url, "custom_agent_classes": self.custom_agent_classes, "agent_dir": self.agent_dir, }, ) server_process.start() self.port = self.parent_con.recv() start_event.wait() self.server = server_process f"Launch agent server at [{}:{self.port}] success", )
[文档] def launch(self, in_subprocess: bool = True) -> None: """launch an agent server. Args: in_subprocess (bool, optional): launch the server in subprocess. Defaults to True. For agents that need to obtain command line input, such as UserAgent, please set this value to False. """ if in_subprocess: self._launch_in_sub() else: self._launch_in_main()
[文档] def wait_until_terminate(self) -> None: """Wait for server process""" if self.server is not None: self.server.join()
[文档] def shutdown(self) -> None: """Shutdown the agent server.""" if self.server is not None: if self.stop_event is not None: self.stop_event.set() self.stop_event = None self.server.join() if self.server.is_alive(): self.server.kill() f"Agent server at port [{self.port}] is killed.", ) self.server = None
[文档] def as_server() -> None: """Launch an agent server with terminal command. Note: The arguments of `as_server` are listed as follows: * `--host`: the hostname of the server. * `--port`: the socket port of the server. * `--capacity`: the number of concurrent agents in the server. * `--pool-type`: the type of the async message pool, which can be `local` or `redis`. If `redis` is specified, you need to start a redis server before launching the server. Defaults to `local`. * `--redis-url`: the url of the redis server, defaults to `redis://localhost:6379`. * `--max-pool-size`: max number of agent reply messages that the server can accommodate. Note that the oldest message will be deleted after exceeding the pool size. * `--max-expire`: max expire time for async function result. * `--max-timeout-seconds`: max timeout for rpc call. * `--local-mode`: whether the started agent server only listens to local requests. * `--model-config-path`: the path to the model config json file * `--agent-dir`: the directory containing your customized agent python files * `--studio-url`: the url of agentscope studio In most cases, you only need to specify the `--host`, `--port` and `--model-config-path`, and `--agent-dir`. .. code-block:: shell as_server start --host localhost \\ --port 12345 \\ --model-config-path config.json \\ --agent-dir ./my_agents """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( dest="command", help="sub-commands of as_server", ) start_parser = subparsers.add_parser("start", help="start the server.") stop_parser = subparsers.add_parser("stop", help="stop the server.") status_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "status", help="check the status of the server.", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--host", type=str, default="localhost", help="hostname of the server", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--port", type=int, default=12310, help="socket port of the server", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--capacity", type=int, default=os.cpu_count(), help=( "the number of concurrent agents in the server, exceeding this " "may cause severe performance degradation or even deadlock." ), ) start_parser.add_argument( "--pool-type", type=str, choices=["local", "redis"], default="local", help="the url of agentscope studio", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--redis-url", type=str, default="redis://localhost:6379", help="the url of redis server", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--max-pool-size", type=int, default=8192, help=( "the max number of async result that the server " "can accommodate. Note that the oldest result will be deleted " "after exceeding the pool size." ), ) start_parser.add_argument( "--max-expire-time", type=int, default=7200, help="max expire time in second for async results.", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--max-timeout-seconds", type=int, default=5, help="max timeout for rpc call in seconds", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--local-mode", type=bool, default=False, help=( "if `True`, only listen to requests from 'localhost', otherwise, " "listen to requests from all hosts." ), ) start_parser.add_argument( "--model-config-path", type=str, help="path to the model config json file", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--server-id", type=str, default=None, help="id of the server, used to register to the studio, generated" " randomly if not specified.", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--studio-url", type=str, default=None, help="the url of agentscope studio", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--agent-dir", type=str, default=None, help="the directory containing customized agent python files", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--no-log", action="store_true", help="whether to disable log", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--save-api-invoke", action="store_true", help="whether to save api invoke", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--use-monitor", action="store_true", help="whether to use monitor", ) stop_parser.add_argument( "--host", type=str, help="host of the server to stop", ) stop_parser.add_argument( "--port", type=int, help="port of the server to stop", ) status_parser.add_argument( "--host", type=str, help="host of the server", ) status_parser.add_argument( "--port", type=int, help="port of the server", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.command == "start": agentscope.init( project="agent_server", name=f"server_{}:{args.port}", save_log=not args.no_log, save_api_invoke=args.save_api_invoke, model_configs=args.model_config_path, use_monitor=args.use_monitor, ) launcher = RpcAgentServerLauncher(, port=args.port, server_id=args.server_id, capacity=args.capacity, pool_type=args.pool_type, redis_url=args.redis_url, max_pool_size=args.max_pool_size, max_expire_time=args.max_expire_time, max_timeout_seconds=args.max_timeout_seconds, local_mode=args.local_mode, studio_url=args.studio_url, ) launcher.launch(in_subprocess=False) launcher.wait_until_terminate() elif args.command == "stop": from agentscope.rpc import RpcClient client = RpcClient(, port=args.port) if not client.stop():"Server at [{}:{args.port}] stopped.") else: logger.error(f"Fail to stop server at [{}:{args.port}].") elif args.command == "status": from agentscope.rpc import RpcClient client = RpcClient(, port=args.port) if not client.is_alive(): logger.warning( f"Server at [{}:{args.port}] is not alive.", ) agent_infos = client.get_agent_list() if agent_infos is None or len(agent_infos) == 0: f"No agents found on the server [{}:{args.port}].", ) for info in agent_infos:, indent=4))