agentscope.tokens 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The tokens interface for agentscope."""
import os
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import Callable, Union, Optional, Any

from loguru import logger

__register_models = {}
# The dictionary to store the model names and token counting functions.
# TODO: a more elegant way to store the model names and functions.

[文档] def count(model_name: str, messages: list[dict[str, str]]) -> int: """Count the number of tokens for the given model and messages. Args: model_name (`str`): The name of the model. messages (`list[dict[str, str]]`): A list of dictionaries. """ # Type checking if not isinstance(model_name, str): raise TypeError( f"Expected model_name to be a string, but got {type(model_name)}.", ) if not isinstance(messages, list): raise TypeError( f"Expected messages to be a list, but got {type(messages)}.", ) for i, message in enumerate(messages): if not isinstance(message, dict): raise TypeError( f"Expected messages[{i}] to be a dict, but got " f"{type(message)}.", ) # Counting tokens according to the model name # Register models if model_name in __register_models: return __register_models[model_name](model_name, messages) # OpenAI elif model_name.startswith("gpt-"): return count_openai_tokens(model_name, messages) # Gemini elif model_name.startswith("gemini-"): return count_gemini_tokens(model_name, messages) # Dashscope elif model_name.startswith("qwen-"): return count_dashscope_tokens(model_name, messages) else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported model {model_name} for token counting. " "Please register the model with the corresponding token counting " "function by " "`agentscope.tokens.register_model(model_name, token_count_func)`", )
def _count_content_tokens_for_openai_vision_model( content: list[dict], encoding: Any, ) -> int: """Yield the number of tokens for the content of an OpenAI vision model. Implemented according to Args: content (`list[dict]`): A list of dictionaries. encoding (`Any`): The encoding object. Example: .. code-block:: python _yield_tokens_for_openai_vision_model( [ { "type": "text", "text": "xxx", }, { "type": "image_url", "image_url": { "url": "xxx", "detail": "auto", } }, # ... ] ) Returns: `Generator[int, None, None]`: Generate the number of tokens in a generator. """ num_tokens = 0 for item in content: if not isinstance(item, dict): raise TypeError( "If you're using a vision model for OpenAI models," "The content field should be a list of " f"dictionaries, but got {type(item)}.", ) typ = item.get("type", None) if typ == "text": num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(item["text"])) elif typ == "image_url": # By default, we use high here to avoid undercounting tokens detail = item.get("image_url").get("detail", "high") if detail == "low": num_tokens += 85 elif detail in ["auto", "high"]: num_tokens += 170 else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported image detail {detail}, expected " f"one of ['low', 'auto', 'high'].", ) else: raise ValueError( "The type field currently only supports 'text' " f"and 'image_url', but got {typ}.", ) return num_tokens
[文档] def count_openai_tokens( # pylint: disable=too-many-branches model_name: str, messages: list[dict[str, str]], ) -> int: """Count the number of tokens for the given OpenAI Chat model and messages. Refer to Args: model_name (`str`): The name of the OpenAI Chat model, e.g. "gpt-4o". messages (`list[dict[str, str]]`): A list of dictionaries. Each dictionary should have the keys of "role" and "content", and an optional key of "name". For vision LLMs, the value of "content" should be a list of dictionaries. """ import tiktoken try: encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model_name) except KeyError: encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("o200k_base") if model_name in { "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125", "gpt-4-0314", "gpt-4-32k-0314", "gpt-4-0613", "gpt-4-32k-0613", "gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18", "gpt-4o-2024-08-06", }: tokens_per_message = 3 tokens_per_name = 1 elif "gpt-3.5-turbo" in model_name: return count_openai_tokens( model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo-0125", messages=messages, ) elif "gpt-4o-mini" in model_name: return count_openai_tokens( model_name="gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18", messages=messages, ) elif "gpt-4o" in model_name: return count_openai_tokens( model_name="gpt-4o-2024-08-06", messages=messages, ) elif "gpt-4" in model_name: return count_openai_tokens(model_name="gpt-4-0613", messages=messages) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"count_openai_tokens() is not implemented for " f"model {model_name}.", ) num_tokens = 3 # every reply is primed with <|start|>assistant<|message|> for message in messages: num_tokens += tokens_per_message for key, value in message.items(): # Considering vision models if key == "content" and isinstance(value, list): num_tokens += _count_content_tokens_for_openai_vision_model( value, encoding, ) elif isinstance(value, str): num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(value)) else: raise TypeError( f"Invalid type {type(value)} in the {key} field.", ) if key == "name": num_tokens += tokens_per_name return num_tokens
[文档] def count_gemini_tokens( model_name: str, messages: list[dict[str, str]], ) -> int: """Count the number of tokens for the given Gemini model and messages. Args: model_name (`str`): The name of the Gemini model, e.g. "gemini-1.5-pro". messages (`list[dict[str, str]]`): """ try: import google.generativeai as genai except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError( "The package `google.generativeai` is required for token counting " "for Gemini models. Install it with " "`pip install -q -U google-generativeai` and refer to " "" "tutorial?lang=python for details.", ) from exc model = genai.GenerativeModel(model_name) tokens_count = model.count_tokens(messages).total_tokens return tokens_count
[文档] def count_dashscope_tokens( model_name: str, messages: list[dict[str, str]], api_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> int: """Count the number of tokens for the given Dashscope model and messages. Note this function will call the Dashscope API to count the tokens. Refer to for more details. Args: model_name (`str`): The name of the Dashscope model, e.g. "qwen-max". messages (`list[dict[str, str]]`): The list of messages, each message is a dict with the key 'text'. api_key (`Optional[str]`, defaults to `None`): The API key for Dashscope. If `None`, the API key will be read from the environment variable `DASHSCOPE_API_KEY`. Returns: `int`: The number of tokens. """ try: import dashscope except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError( "The package `dashscope` is required for token counting " "for Dashscope models.", ) from exc response = model=model_name, messages=messages, api_key=api_key or os.environ.get("DASHSCOPE_API_KEY"), ) if response.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK: raise RuntimeError({**response}) return response.usage["input_tokens"]
[文档] def supported_models() -> list[str]: """Get the list of supported models for token counting.""" infos = [ "Supported models for token counting: ", " 1. OpenAI Chat models (starting with 'gpt-') ", " 2. Gemini models (starting with 'gemini-') ", " 3. Dashscope models (starting with 'qwen-') ", f" 4. Registered models: {', '.join(__register_models.keys())} ", ] for info in infos: return ["gpt-.*", "gemini-.*", "qwen-.*"] + list(__register_models.keys())
[文档] def register_model( model_name: Union[str, list[str]], tokens_count_func: Callable[[str, list[dict[str, str]]], int], ) -> None: """Register a tokens counting function for the model(s) with the given name(s). If the model name is conflicting with the existing one, the new function will override the existing one. Args: model_name (`Union[str, list[str]]`): The name of the model or a list of model names. tokens_count_func (`Callable[[str, list[dict[str, str]]], int]`): The tokens counting function for the model, which takes the model name and a list of dictionary messages as input and returns the number of tokens. """ if isinstance(model_name, str): model_name = [model_name] for name in model_name: if name in __register_models: logger.warning( f"Overriding the existing token counting function for model " f"named {name}.", ) __register_models[name] = tokens_count_func f"Successfully registered token counting function for models: " f"{', '.join(model_name)}.", )
[文档] def count_huggingface_tokens( pretrained_model_name_or_path: str, messages: list[dict[str, str]], use_fast: bool = False, trust_remote_code: bool = False, enable_mirror: bool = False, ) -> int: """Count the number of tokens for the given HuggingFace model and messages. Args: pretrained_model_name_or_path (`str`): The model name of path used in `AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained`. messages (`list[dict[str, str]]`): The list of messages, each message is a dictionary with keys "role" and "content". use_fast (`bool`, defaults to `False`): Whether to use the fast tokenizer when loading the tokenizer. trust_remote_code (`bool`, defaults to `False`): Whether to trust the remote code in transformers' `AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained` API. enable_mirror (`bool`, defaults to `False`): Whether to enable the HuggingFace mirror, which is useful for users in China. Returns: `int`: The number of tokens. """ if enable_mirror: os.environ["HF_ENDPOINT"] = "" try: from transformers import AutoTokenizer except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError( "The package `transformers` is required for downloading tokenizer", ) from exc tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( pretrained_model_name_or_path, use_fast=use_fast, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code, ) if tokenizer.chat_template is None: raise ValueError( f"The tokenizer for model {pretrained_model_name_or_path} in " f"transformers does not have chat template.", ) tokenized_msgs = tokenizer.apply_chat_template( messages, add_generation_prompt=False, tokenize=True, return_tensors="np", )[0] return len(tokenized_msgs)