Search question in the web
- bing_search(question: str, api_key: str, num_results: int = 10, **kwargs: Any) ServiceResponse [源代码]
Search question in Bing Search API and return the searching results
- 参数:
question (str) – The search query string.
api_key (str) – The API key provided for authenticating with the Bing Search API.
num_results (int, defaults to 10) – The number of search results to return.
**kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be included in the search query. For more details, please refer to
- 返回:
A dictionary with two variables: status and content. The status variable is from the ServiceExecStatus enum, and content is a list of search results or error information, which depends on the status variable. For each searching result, it is a dictionary with keys ‘title’, ‘link’, and ‘snippet’.
- 返回类型:
results = bing_search(question="What is an agent?", bing_api_key="your bing api key", num_results=2, mkt="en-US") print(results)
It returns the following dict.
{ 'status': <ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS: 1>, 'content': [ { 'title': 'What Is an Agent? Definition, Types of Agents, and Examples - Investopedia', 'link': '', 'snippet': "An agent is someone that is given permission (either explicitly or assumed) to act on an individual's behalf and may do so in a variety of capacities. This could include selling a home, executing..."}, { 'title': 'AGENT Definition & Usage Examples |', 'link': '', 'snippet': 'noun. a person who acts on behalf of another person, group, business, government, etc; representative. a person or thing that acts or has the power to act. a phenomenon, substance, or organism that exerts some force or effect: a chemical agent.' } ] }
- google_search(question: str, api_key: str, cse_id: str, num_results: int = 10, **kwargs: Any) ServiceResponse [源代码]
Search question in Google Search API and return the searching results
- 参数:
question (str) – The search query string.
api_key (str) – The API key provided for authenticating with the Google Custom Search JSON API.
cse_id (str) – The unique identifier of a programmable search engine to use.
num_results (int, defaults to 10) – The number of search results to return.
**kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be included in the search query. For more details, please refer to
- 返回:
A dictionary with two variables: status and content. The status variable is from the ServiceExecStatus enum, and content is a list of search results or error information, which depends on the status variable. For each searching result, it is a dictionary with keys ‘title’, ‘link’, and ‘snippet’.
- 返回类型:
results = google_search( 'Python programming', 'your_google_api_key', 'your_cse_id', num_results=2 ) if results.status == ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS: for result in results.content: print(result['title'], result['link'], result['snippet'])