agentscope.agents.rpc_agent 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Base class for Rpc Agent """
from typing import Type, Optional, Union, Sequence

from agentscope.agents.agent import AgentBase
from agentscope.message import Msg
from agentscope.message import PlaceholderMessage
from agentscope.rpc import RpcAgentClient
from agentscope.serialize import serialize
from agentscope.server.launcher import RpcAgentServerLauncher
from import _studio_client

[文档] class RpcAgent(AgentBase): """A wrapper to extend an AgentBase into a gRPC Client."""
[文档] def __init__( self, name: str, host: str = "localhost", port: int = None, agent_class: Type[AgentBase] = None, agent_configs: Optional[dict] = None, max_pool_size: int = 8192, max_timeout_seconds: int = 7200, local_mode: bool = True, lazy_launch: bool = False, agent_id: str = None, connect_existing: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize a RpcAgent instance. Args: name (`str`): the name of the agent. host (`str`, defaults to `localhost`): Hostname of the rpc agent server. port (`int`, defaults to `None`): Port of the rpc agent server. agent_class (`Type[AgentBase]`): the AgentBase subclass of the source agent. agent_configs (`dict`): The args used to init configs of the agent, generated by `_AgentMeta`. max_pool_size (`int`, defaults to `8192`): Max number of task results that the server can accommodate. max_timeout_seconds (`int`, defaults to `7200`): Timeout for task results. local_mode (`bool`, defaults to `True`): Whether the started gRPC server only listens to local requests. lazy_launch (`bool`, defaults to `False`): Only launch the server when the agent is called. agent_id (`str`, defaults to `None`): The agent id of this instance. If `None`, it will be generated randomly. connect_existing (`bool`, defaults to `False`): Set to `True`, if the agent is already running on the agent server. """ super().__init__(name=name) self.agent_class = agent_class self.agent_configs = agent_configs = host self.port = port self.server_launcher = None self.client = None self.connect_existing = connect_existing if agent_id is not None: self._agent_id = agent_id # if host and port are not provided, launch server locally if self.port is None and server = _studio_client.alloc_server() if "host" in server: if RpcAgentClient( host=server["host"], port=server["port"], ).is_alive(): = server["host"] self.port = server["port"] launch_server = self.port is None if launch_server: # check studio first = "localhost" studio_url = None if studio_url = _studio_client.studio_url self.server_launcher = RpcAgentServerLauncher(, port=port, max_pool_size=max_pool_size, max_timeout_seconds=max_timeout_seconds, local_mode=local_mode, custom_agent_classes=[agent_class], studio_url=studio_url, ) if not lazy_launch: self._launch_server() else: self.client = RpcAgentClient(, port=self.port, agent_id=self.agent_id, ) if not self.connect_existing: self.client.create_agent( agent_configs, )
def _launch_server(self) -> None: """Launch a rpc server and update the port and the client""" self.server_launcher.launch() self.port = self.server_launcher.port self.client = RpcAgentClient(, port=self.port, agent_id=self.agent_id, ) self.client.create_agent(self.agent_configs)
[文档] def reply(self, x: Optional[Union[Msg, Sequence[Msg]]] = None) -> Msg: if self.client is None: self._launch_server() return PlaceholderMessage( client=self.client, x=x, )
[文档] def observe(self, x: Union[Msg, Sequence[Msg]]) -> None: if self.client is None: self._launch_server() self.client.call_agent_func( func_name="_observe", value=serialize(x), )
[文档] def clone_instances( self, num_instances: int, including_self: bool = True, ) -> Sequence[AgentBase]: """ Clone a series of this instance with different agent_id and return them as a list. Args: num_instances (`int`): The number of instances in the returned list. including_self (`bool`): Whether to include the instance calling this method in the returned list. Returns: `Sequence[AgentBase]`: A list of agent instances. """ generated_instance_number = ( num_instances - 1 if including_self else num_instances ) generated_instances = [] # launch the server before clone instances if self.client is None: self._launch_server() # put itself as the first element of the returned list if including_self: generated_instances.append(self) # clone instances without agent server for _ in range(generated_instance_number): new_agent_id = self.client.clone_agent(self.agent_id) generated_instances.append( RpcAgent(,, port=self.port, agent_id=new_agent_id, connect_existing=True, ), ) return generated_instances
[文档] def stop(self) -> None: """Stop the RpcAgent and the rpc server.""" if self.server_launcher is not None: self.server_launcher.shutdown()
def __del__(self) -> None: self.stop()