agentscope.agents.rpc_agent module

Base class for Rpc Agent

class agentscope.agents.rpc_agent.RpcAgent(*args: tuple, **kwargs: dict)[源代码]


A wrapper to extend an AgentBase into a gRPC Client.

__init__(name: str, host: str = 'localhost', port: int | None = None, agent_class: Type[AgentBase] | None = None, agent_configs: dict | None = None, max_pool_size: int = 8192, max_timeout_seconds: int = 7200, local_mode: bool = True, lazy_launch: bool = False, agent_id: str | None = None, connect_existing: bool = False) None[源代码]

Initialize a RpcAgent instance.

  • name (str) – the name of the agent.

  • host (str, defaults to localhost) – Hostname of the rpc agent server.

  • port (int, defaults to None) – Port of the rpc agent server.

  • agent_class (Type[AgentBase]) – the AgentBase subclass of the source agent.

  • agent_configs (dict) – The args used to init configs of the agent, generated by _AgentMeta.

  • max_pool_size (int, defaults to 8192) – Max number of task results that the server can accommodate.

  • max_timeout_seconds (int, defaults to 7200) – Timeout for task results.

  • local_mode (bool, defaults to True) – Whether the started gRPC server only listens to local requests.

  • lazy_launch (bool, defaults to False) – Only launch the server when the agent is called.

  • agent_id (str, defaults to None) – The agent id of this instance. If None, it will be generated randomly.

  • connect_existing (bool, defaults to False) – Set to True, if the agent is already running on the agent server.

reply(x: Sequence[Msg] | Msg | None = None) Msg[源代码]

Define the actions taken by this agent.


x (Optional[Union[Msg, Sequence[Msg]]], defaults to None) – The input message(s) to the agent, which also can be omitted if the agent doesn’t need any input.


The output message generated by the agent.




Given that some agents are in an adversarial environment, their input doesn’t include the thoughts of other agents.

observe(x: Msg | Sequence[Msg]) None[源代码]

Observe the input, store it in memory without response to it.


x (Union[Msg, Sequence[Msg]]) – The input message to be recorded in memory.

clone_instances(num_instances: int, including_self: bool = True) Sequence[AgentBase][源代码]

Clone a series of this instance with different agent_id and return them as a list.

  • num_instances (int) – The number of instances in the returned

  • list. (this method in the returned)

  • including_self (bool) – Whether to include the instance calling

  • list.


A list of agent instances.



stop() None[源代码]

Stop the RpcAgent and the rpc server.