
To install AgentScope, you need to have Python 3.9 or higher installed. We recommend setting up a new virtual environment specifically for AgentScope:

Create a Virtual Environment

Using Conda

If you’re using Conda as your package and environment management tool, you can create a new virtual environment with Python 3.9 using the following commands:

# Create a new virtual environment named 'agentscope' with Python 3.9
conda create -n agentscope python=3.9

# Activate the virtual environment
conda activate agentscope

Using Virtualenv

Alternatively, if you prefer virtualenv, you can install it first (if it’s not already installed) and then create a new virtual environment as shown:

# Install virtualenv if it is not already installed
pip install virtualenv

# Create a new virtual environment named 'agentscope' with Python 3.9
virtualenv agentscope --python=python3.9

# Activate the virtual environment
source agentscope/bin/activate  # On Windows use `agentscope\Scripts\activate`

Installing AgentScope

Install with Pip

If you prefer to install AgentScope from Pypi, you can do so easily using pip:

# For centralized multi-agent applications
pip install agentscope

Install from Source

For users who prefer to install AgentScope directly from the source code, follow these steps to clone the repository and install the platform in editable mode:

Note: This project is under active development, it’s recommended to install AgentScope from source.

# Pull the source code from Github
git clone
cd agentscope

# For centralized multi-agent applications
pip install -e .

Extra Dependencies

The supported optional dependencies for AgentScope are list as follows:

  • ollama: Ollama API

  • litellm: Litellm API

  • zhipuai: Zhipuai API

  • gemini: Gemini API

  • service: The dependencies for different service functions

  • distribute: The dependencies for distribution mode

  • full: All the dependencies

You can install one or more of these dependencies by adding them to the installation command.


pip install agentscope[gemini]
# or
pip install agentscope[ollama,distribute]

Mac & Linux

pip install agentscope\[gemini\]
# or
pip install agentscope\[ollama,distribute\]

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