
To provide better performance and support the concurrent of more agents, AgentScope implements a parallel/distributed mode based on the Actor model. Compared to the traditional single-process mode, it has the following characteristics:

  • High Performance: Different agents and other services within the same application can run on different processes or even different machines, fully utilizing computing resources to unleash performance.

  • Automatic Parallelization: Based on the Actor model, each agent has an independent state. When implementing applications, there’s no need to consider invocation order, resource competition, etc., enabling automatic application parallelization.

  • Zero Migration Cost: The code is fully compatible with the single-machine mode. Applications that can run in single-process mode can be migrated to the distributed mode at zero cost.

This section will detail the usage of AgentScope’s distributed mode and introduce its principles.

Basic Usage

The distributed mode requires almost no modification to the running code compared to the traditional mode. Simply call the to_dist function during the agent initialization phase.

# import some packages

# init agentscope

# Initialization in traditional mode
# agent = Agent(...)

# Initialization in distributed mode
agent = Agent(...).to_dist()

x = Msg(...)
y = agent(x)

In this section, we will demonstrate how to specifically use AgentScope’s distributed mode with a webpage retrieval example. To highlight the acceleration effect brought by AgentScope’s distributed mode, a simple custom WebAgent is used here. This agent simulates the process of crawling webpages and looking for answers by sleeping for 5 seconds. In the example, there are a total of 5 agents, each crawling a webpage and searching for answers.

The only difference between the traditional mode and the distributed mode lies in the initialization phase, specifically in init_without_dist and init_with_dist. The only difference in init_with_dist compared to init_without_dist is the additional call to the to_dist function. After initialization, the run function is exactly the same for both modes. However, the running time differs significantly between the two modes.

# Please do not run this code in a Jupyter notebook
# Copy the code to a `dist_main.py` file and run it using `python dist_main.py`
# Ensure you have installed the distributed version of agentscope before running the code
# pip install agentscope[distribute]

import time
import agentscope
from agentscope.agents import AgentBase
from agentscope.message import Msg

class WebAgent(AgentBase):

    def __init__(self, name):

    def get_answer(self, url: str, query: str):
        """Simulate crawling the web and looking for answers"""
        return f"Answer from {self.name}"

    def reply(self, x: dict = None) -> dict:
        return Msg(
            content=self.get_answer(x.content["url"], x.content["query"])

QUERY = "example query"
URLS = ["page_1", "page_2", "page_3", "page_4", "page_5"]

def init_without_dist():
    return [WebAgent(f"W{i}") for i in range(len(URLS))]

def init_with_dist():
    return [WebAgent(f"W{i}").to_dist() for i in range(len(URLS))]

def run(agents):
    start = time.time()
    results = []
    for i, url in enumerate(URLS):
                    "url": url,
                    "query": QUERY
    for result in results:
    end = time.time()
    return end - start

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start = time.time()
    simple_agents = init_without_dist()
    dist_agents = init_with_dist()
    end = time.time()
    print(f"Time taken for initialization: {end - start}")
    print(f"Time taken without distributed mode: {run(simple_agents)}")
    print(f"Time taken with distributed mode: {run(dist_agents)}")

Sample output of the above code is as follows:

Time taken for initialization: 12.944042921066284
[W0] Answer from page_1
[W1] Answer from page_2
[W2] Answer from page_3
[W3] Answer from page_4
[W4] Answer from page_5
Time taken without distributed mode: 25.022241830825806
[W0] Answer from page_1
[W1] Answer from page_2
[W2] Answer from page_3
[W3] Answer from page_4
[W4] Answer from page_5
Time taken with distributed mode: 5.021369934082031

As observed from the output, there is a significant reduction in running time when using the distributed mode (from 25 seconds to 5 seconds). The example above represents the most common usage of AgentScope’s distributed mode. When not aiming for ultimate performance or the number of Agents is relatively small (e.g., no more than 10), it is advisable to use the method demonstrated above. For further performance optimization, a deeper understanding of AgentScope’s distributed model is required, and subsequent sections will introduce advanced usage of the distributed mode in detail.

Advanced Usage

This section will introduce advanced uses of the AgentScope distributed mode to further enhance efficiency. Before delving into advanced usage, we need to have a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts of the AgentScope distributed mode.

Fundamental Concepts

  • Main Process: The process where the AgentScope application resides is called the main process. For instance, the run function in the example from the previous section runs in the main process. Each AgentScope application will have only one main process.

  • Agent Server Process: In distributed mode, the agent server process is where agents run. For example, in the example from the previous section, all agents in dist_agents actually run in the agent server process. Multiple agent server processes can exist at the same time. Agent server processes can run on any network-accessible node, and within each agent server process, multiple agents can run simultaneously.

  • Child Mode: In child mode, the agent server process is spawned as a child process by the main process. In the example from the previous section, each agent in dist_agents is actually a child process of the main process. This mode is the default running mode for AgentScope distributed applications, meaning that when calling the to_dist function without any parameters, it defaults to this mode. This mode is employed in the basic usage section.

  • Independent Mode: In independent mode, the agent processes are independent of the main process. The agent processes need to be started on the machine in advance, and certain parameters need to be passed to the to_dist function. This mode must be used if agents need to be deployed across different machines. Additionally, this mode is recommended if performance is major concern, or you have a large number of agents.

Using Independent Mode

Compared to child mode, independent mode can avoid the overhead of initializing child processes during runtime, thereby eliminating startup latency and enhancing operational efficiency in scenarios with many agents.

In independent mode, agent server processes need to be started in advance on the machines, and the host and port of the agent server process to connect to should be passed to the to_dist function.

We will still use the example from the basic usage section for demonstration. Assuming the code file from the basic usage section is named dist_main.py, the following code should be saved as dist_server.py.

# Do not run this code in a Jupyter notebook
# Copy the code to a file named `dist_server.py` and run it using the command `python dist_server.py`. The directory structure should be:
# your_project_dir
# ├── dist_main.py
# └── dist_server.py
# Install the distributed version of agentscope before running the code
# pip install agentscope[distribute]

import agentscope
from agentscope.server import RpcAgentServerLauncher
from dist_main import WebAgent

if __name__ == "__main__":
        # model_configs=...  # Model configuration. If no model is needed, this parameter can be omitted.
    assistant_server_launcher = RpcAgentServerLauncher(

In the above code, we use RpcAgentServerLauncher to start an agent server process. Note that WebAgent is not an agent implementation provided by AgentScope, so it needs to be added to custom_agent_classes. Additionally, if model APIs are required in the agent server process, corresponding model parameters should be configured in agentscope.init.

Furthermore, the init_with_dist function in dist_main.py needs to be updated to the following code:

def init_with_dist():
    return [WebAgent(f"W{i}").to_dist(host="localhost", port=12345) for i in range(len(URLS))]

In this new version of init_with_dist, two new parameters, host and port, are added to connect to the agent server process.

After modifying the code, run the dist_server.py file in one command line and wait for it to start successfully. Then run the dist_main.py file in another command line. During execution, the following output will be displayed:

Initialization time: 0.005397319793701172
[W0] Answer from page_1
[W1] Answer from page_2
[W2] Answer from page_3
[W3] Answer from page_4
[W4] Answer from page_5
Non-distributed mode runtime: 25.023009061813354
[W0] Answer from page_1
[W1] Answer from page_2
[W2] Answer from page_3
[W3] Answer from page_4
[W4] Answer from page_5
Distributed mode runtime: 5.021481990814209

At this point, the initialization time of dist_main.py will be significantly reduced, for instance, just 0.005 seconds in this case.

Avoiding Repeated Initialization

The above code calls the to_dist function on an already initialized agent. to_dist essentially clones the original agent to the agent server process, retaining an RpcObject in the main process as a proxy for the original agent. Calls to this RpcObject are forwarded to the corresponding agent in the agent server process.

This process has a potential issue: the original agent is initialized twice, once in the main process and once in the agent server process. These two initializations occur sequentially, lacking the ability to be parallelized. For agents with low initialization costs, directly calling the to_dist function will not significantly impact performance. However, for agents with high initialization costs, repeated initialization should be avoided. Therefore, AgentScope distributed mode provides another method for initializing in distributed mode, which entails passing the to_dist parameter directly within the initialization function of any agent. The following code modifies the init_with_dist function in dist_main.py.

  • For child mode, simply pass to_dist=True in the initialization function.

    def init_with_dist():
        return [WebAgent(f"W{i}", to_dist=True) for i in range(len(URLS))]
  • For independent mode, pass the parameters previously given to the to_dist function as a dictionary to the to_dist field.

    def init_with_dist():
        return [WebAgent(f"W{i}", to_dist={"host": "localhost", "port": "12345"}) for i in range(len(URLS))]


Some IDEs might display a hint indicating that the to_dist parameter does not exist, but this will not cause an error at runtime. Additionally, if the to_dist parameter has already been passed in the initialization parameters, the to_dist method should not be called again.

Developer Guide


This section is aimed at developers who are developing new features based on the AgentScope distributed mode. It requires a certain understanding of distributed programming principles such as processes, threads, synchronization, asynchronicity, gRPC, Python metaclasses, and the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). Even if you lack the aforementioned background, reading this section will still provide insights into the fundamental principles and advanced usages of the AgentScope distributed mode.

The core logic of the AgentScope distributed model is:

By using the to_dist function or initialization parameters, objects that originally run in any Python process are transferred to an RPC server. In the original process, a RpcObject proxy is retained, and any function call or attribute access on this RpcObject will be forwarded to the object on the RPC server. When calling functions, you can decide whether to use synchronous or asynchronous invocation.

The following graph illustrate the workflow of to_dist, synchronous and asynchronous invocation.

    User -->> Process: initialize
    Process -->> RPC Server: to_dist
    User -->> Process: sync function call
    Process -->> RPC Server: sync function call
    RPC Server -->> RPC Server: calculate result
    RPC Server -->> Process: sync result
    Process -->> User: sync result
    User -->> Process: async function call
    Process -->> RPC Server: async function call
    RPC Server -->> RPC Server: calculate result
    User -->> Process: get async result
    Process -->> RPC Server: get async result
    RPC Server -->> Process: async result
    Process -->> User: async result

As illustrated in the previous figure, the distributed mode of AgentScope essentially follows a Client-Server architecture. In this setup, the user-authored agent applications (Processes) act as the Client, while the agent server process (RPC Server) functions as the Server. In distributed mode, the Client side sends the local agents to the Server side for execution. The Client forwards local function calls and property accesses to the Server, which is responsible for receiving the agents and handling various invocation requests from the Client.


Communication between the Client and Server in AgentScope’s distributed mode is implemented using gRPC. There is a strict limitation on the size of messages send/recv; by default, a single message cannot exceed 32 MB. This value can be further increased by modifying the _DEFAULT_RPC_OPTIONS parameter in src/agentscope/constants.py.

Next, we’ll introduce the implementation of the Client and Server respectively.

Client Side

The Client Side mainly consists of two primary classes: RpcMeta and RpcObject. RpcMeta is responsible for sending local objects to the Server, while RpcObject handles the forwarding of subsequent invocation requests.


The class RpcMeta is a metaclass that automatically adds the to_dist method and to_dist initialization parameter to its subclasses (thus IDEs might indicate to_dist parameter does not exist, but in actuality, it won’t cause an error during runtime). Its implementation can be found in src/agentscope/rpc/rpc_meta.py.

Calling the to_dist method on an already initialized object sends the object’s initialization parameters to the Agent Server Process and reinitializes the object within that process. The main process returns a RpcObject to replace the original object.

Since the original object is reconstructed using initialization parameters, it cannot maintain state changes that occurred after creation. Thus, it is recommended to call the to_dist method immediately upon initialization or pass the to_dist parameter directly in the object’s initialization function.

Since to_dist is automatically added to subclasses by RpcMeta, any class that inherits from RpcMeta, not just Agent classes, can use the to_dist method.

In addition to providing the to_dist method, RpcMeta also records callable methods and attributes from the original object to facilitate invocation within the RpcObject. By default, only public methods of the original object are recorded and invoked synchronously (the caller is blocked until the method on the original object has finished executing). If asynchronous invocation is needed, the async_func decorator should be added to the method declaration.

async_func and AsyncResult

The decorator async_func is implemented in src/agentscope/rpc/rpc_meta.py. The __call__ and reply methods of AgentBase and all its subclasses are marked with async_func to avoid blocking.

In contrast to async_func, there is also the sync_func decorator, which is used to mark synchronous methods. However, since synchronous methods are the default, they generally do not need to be explicitly marked.

Below is a simple example where we declare a class Example. In this class, sync_method is a synchronous method, async_method_basic and async_method_complex are marked as asynchronous methods, and _protected_method is a private method.

import time
from agentscope.rpc import RpcMeta, async_func

class Example(metaclass=RpcMeta):

    # @sync_func  # Default is sync_func, can be omitted
    def sync_method(self) -> str:
        # Synchronous method, caller will be blocked for 1 s
        return "sync"

    def async_method_basic(self) -> str:
        # Asynchronous method, caller will not be blocked and can continue until attempting to get the result
        # Return a basic type
        return "async"

    def async_method_composite(self) -> dict:
        # Asynchronous method
        # Return a dictionary
        return {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": "hello world"}

    def _protected_method(self) -> str:
        # Not a public method, rpc object cannot call this method
        return "protected"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    example = Example(to_dist=True)
    # Calling protected method will result in undefined behavior, avoid using it
    # protected_result = example._protected_method()
    t1 = time.time()
    sync_result = example.sync_method()
    assert sync_result == "sync"
    t2 = time.time()
    print(f"Sync func cost: {t2 - t1} s")
    t3 = time.time()
    async_basic = example.async_method_basic()
    async_composite = example.async_method_composite()
    t4 = time.time()
    print(f"Async func cost: {t4 - t3} s")
    # Basic type results need to call the result method to get the asynchronous execution result
    assert async_basic.result() == "async"
    # Composite types automatically update asynchronous execution results when accessing required fields
    assert async_composite["a"] == 1
    assert async_composite["b"] == 2
    assert async_composite["c"] == "hello world"

The result of running the above code sample is shown below. You can observe that the time taken to call async_method is much shorter than sync_method. This is because async_method is asynchronous and does not block the caller, whereas sync_method is synchronous and blocks the caller.

Sync func cost: 1.0073761940002441 s
Async func cost: 0.0003597736358642578 s

In the above code, async_method_basic and async_method_complex return instances of the AsyncResult class. This object can return the result of asynchronous execution through its result method. To maintain a consistent interface between asynchronous and synchronous calls, if the result represented by AsyncResult is a composite type, you do not need to call the result method manually. When accessing internal attributes, result is automatically called to update the execution result (as shown in the example for async_composite).


RpcObject is implemented in src/agentscope/rpc/rpc_object.py. RpcObject acts as a proxy and does not contain any attribute values or methods of the original object. It only records the address of the agent server process where the original object resides and the object’s id. With these parameters, RpcObject can connect to the original object over the network, enabling invocation on the original object.

When a user calls methods or accesses attributes on a RpcObject, RpcObject will forward the request to the original object located in the agent server process through its __getattr__ method. For synchronous method invocations (@sync_func) or attribute access, RpcObject will block the caller until the method on the original object completes execution and returns the result. In the case of asynchronous methods (@async_func), it immediately returns an AsyncResult object. The main process can continue running without blocking if it doesn’t access the specific value of this object. To obtain the execution result, the result method of the AsyncResult object needs to be called, which will block the caller if the result has not yet been returned.


When initializing RpcObject, if host and port parameters are not provided (i.e., sub-process mode), a new Agent Server process is started and the original object is recreated in that process. Starting a new Agent Server process is relatively slow, which is why initialization time is longer in sub-process mode. If host and port parameters are provided (i.e., standalone process mode), RpcObject directly connects to the server and recreates the original object, avoiding the overhead of starting a new process.


The server side is primarily based on gRPC and mainly consists of the AgentServerServicer and RpcAgentServerLauncher classes.


The implementation of AgentServerLauncher is located at src/agentscope/server/launcher.py, and it is used to launch the gRPC Server process. Specifically, to ensure that the server process can correctly reinitialize the objects sent from the client side and correctly call the model API services, it is necessary to register all subclasses of RpcMeta that may be used during runtime when launching the server, and properly set the model configurations. There are two ways to launch the server: through python code or command-line instructions.

  • The method to launch through python code is as follows. You need to specify host and port, as well as custom_agent_classes, and you also need to pass the required model configurations when calling agentscope.init. Suppose there are custom classes AgentA, AgentB, and AgentC that need to be registered, and all three classes are located in the myagents.py file and are subclasses of AgentBase.

    import agentscope
    from agentscope.server import RpcAgentServerLauncher
    from myagents import AgentA, AgentB, AgentC
    HOST = "localhost"
    PORT = 12345
    CUSTOM_CLASSES = [AgentA, AgentB, AgentC]
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        launcher = RpcAgentServerLauncher(
  • The method to launch through command line is as follows. In addition to specifying host and port, you also need to specify model_config_path and agent_dir, which correspond to the model configuration file path and the directory where custom agent classes are located, respectively. When installing agentscope, the as_server command will be installed by default, so you can directly use this command in the command line.

    as_server start --host localhost --port 12345 --model-config-path model_config_path --agent-dir parent_dir_of_myagents.py


AgentServerLauncher will load and execute custom Python objects. Please thoroughly inspect the objects being loaded before use, as they might contain malicious code that could cause severe system damage. The AgentServerLauncher class also has a local_mode parameter indicating whether only local access is allowed. It defaults to True. If access from other machines is required, it should be set to False. To avoid network attacks, please only use it in a trusted network environment.


The implementation of AgentServerServicer is located at src/agentscope/server/servicer.py. It is the implementation of the gRPC service responsible for receiving and processing various requests sent from the client side.

The create_agent method is called when the client uses to_dist on an object of a subclass of RpcMeta. It recreates the original object on the server and stores it in the agent_pool field with id as the key.

The call_agent_func method is called when the client calls methods or properties on RpcObject objects. The input parameters include the id of the object being called and the name of the method being called. The specific calling process varies slightly. For synchronous methods and property access, call_agent_func retrieves the object from agent_pool, calls the corresponding method or property, and blocks the caller until it returns the result. For asynchronous methods, call_agent_func packages the input parameters and places them in a task queue, immediately returning the task’s task_id to avoid blocking the caller.

The AgentServerServicer has an executor pool to automatically execute tasks (_process_task). The results of these tasks are then placed into a result_pool. The result method of AsyncResult attempts to fetch the corresponding task result from the result_pool. If the task result does not exist, it will block the caller until the result is available.


The executor is a thread pool (concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor), with the number of threads determined by the capacity parameter. The setting of capacity greatly impacts performance and needs to be tailored based on specific tasks. To enable concurrent execution of various agents within the server, it is best to ensure that the capacity is greater than the number of agents running simultaneously in AgentServerServicer. Otherwise, this may lead to exponential increases in execution time, or even deadlocks in certain scenarios (such as recursive calls among multiple agents).

The capacity parameter can be specified in the as_server command via --capacity, or directly during the initialization of RpcAgentServerLauncher.

# ...
launcher = RpcAgentServerLauncher(
as_server start --host localhost --port 12345 --model-config-path model_config_path --agent-dir parent_dir_of_myagents --capacity 10

The ResultPool implementation is located in src/agentscope/server/async_result_pool.py and is used for managing the execution results of asynchronous methods. There are currently two implementations: local and redis. The local implementation is based on Python’s dictionary type (dict), whereas the redis implementation is based on Redis. Both implementations include automatic deletion mechanisms to prevent results from consuming too much memory. The local implementation allows for timeout-based deletion (max_expire_time) or deletion when a certain number of items is exceeded (max_len), while the redis implementation only supports timeout-based deletion (max_expire_time). During the startup of AgentServerLauncher, you can specify which implementation to use by passing in the pool_type parameter, with the default being local. If redis is specified, you must also provide the redis_url. Below are examples of code and command-line usage.

# ...
launcher = RpcAgentServerLauncher(
    max_expire_time=7200, # 2 hours
as_server start --host localhost --port 12345 --model-config-path model_config_path --agent-dir parent_dir_of_myagents --pool-type redis --redis-url redis://localhost:6379 --max-expire-time 7200

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