Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is critical in LLM-empowered applications. However, crafting prompts for large language models (LLMs) can be challenging, especially with different requirements from various model APIs.

To ease the process of adapting prompt to different model APIs, AgentScope provides a structured way to organize different data types (e.g. instruction, hints, conversation history) into the desired format.

Note there is no one-size-fits-all solution for prompt crafting. The goal of built-in strategies is to enable beginners to smoothly invoke the model API, rather than achieve the best performance. For advanced users, we highly recommend developers to customize prompts according to their needs and model API requirements.

Challenges in Prompt Construction

In multi-agent applications, LLM often plays different roles in a conversation. When using third-party chat APIs, it has the following challenges:

  1. Most third-party chat APIs are designed for chatbot scenario, and the role field only supports "user" and "assistant".

  2. Some model APIs require "user" and "assistant" must speak alternatively, and "user" must speak in the beginning and end of the input messages list. Such requirements make it difficult to build a multi-agent conversation when the agent may act as many different roles and speak continuously.

To help beginners to quickly start with AgentScope, we provide the following built-in strategies for most chat and generation related model APIs.

Built-in Prompt Strategies

In AgentScope, we provide built-in strategies for the following chat and generation model APIs.

These strategies are implemented in the format functions of the model wrapper classes. It accepts Msg objects, a list of Msg objects, or their mixture as input. However, format function will first reorganize them into a list of Msg objects, so for simplicity in the following sections we treat the input as a list of Msg objects.


OpenAIChatWrapper encapsulates the OpenAI chat API, it takes a list of dictionaries as input, where the dictionary must obey the following rules (updated in 2024/03/22):

  • Require role and content fields, and an optional name field.

  • The role field must be either "system", "user", or "assistant".

Prompt Strategy

Non-Vision Models

In OpenAI Chat API, the name field enables the model to distinguish different speakers in the conversation. Therefore, the strategy of format function in OpenAIChatWrapper is simple:

  • Msg: Pass a dictionary with role, content, and name fields directly.

  • List: Parse each element in the list according to the above rules.

An example is shown below:

from agentscope.models import OpenAIChatWrapper
from agentscope.message import Msg

model = OpenAIChatWrapper(
    config_name="", # empty since we directly initialize the model wrapper

prompt = model.format(
   Msg("system", "You're a helpful assistant", role="system"),   # Msg object
   [                                                             # a list of Msg objects
      Msg(name="Bob", content="Hi.", role="assistant"),
      Msg(name="Alice", content="Nice to meet you!", role="assistant"),
  {"role": "system", "name": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant"},
  {"role": "assistant", "name": "Bob", "content": "Hi."},
  {"role": "assistant", "name": "Alice", "content": "Nice to meet you!"),
Vision Models

For vision models (gpt-4-turbo, gpt-4o, …), if the input message contains image urls, the generated content field will be a list of dicts, which contains text and image urls.

Specifically, the web image urls will be pass to OpenAI Chat API directly, while the local image urls will be converted to base64 format. More details please refer to the official guidance.

Note the invalid image urls (e.g. /Users/xxx/test.mp3) will be ignored.

from agentscope.models import OpenAIChatWrapper
from agentscope.message import Msg

model = OpenAIChatWrapper(
    config_name="", # empty since we directly initialize the model wrapper

prompt = model.format(
   Msg("system", "You're a helpful assistant", role="system"),   # Msg object
   [                                                             # a list of Msg objects
      Msg(name="user", content="Describe this image", role="user", url="https://xxx.png"),
      Msg(name="user", content="And these images", role="user", url=["/Users/xxx/test.png", "/Users/xxx/test.mp3"]),
        "role": "system",
        "name": "system",
        "content": "You are a helpful assistant"
        "role": "user",
        "name": "user",
        "content": [
                "type": "text",
                "text": "Describe this image"
                "type": "image_url",
                "image_url": {
                    "url": "https://xxx.png"
        "role": "user",
        "name": "user",
        "content": [
                "type": "text",
                "text": "And these images"
                "type": "image_url",
                "image_url": {
                    "url": "..." # for /Users/xxx/test.png


DashScopeChatWrapper encapsulates the DashScope chat API, which takes a list of messages as input. The message must obey the following rules (updated in 2024/03/22):

  • Require role and content fields, and role must be either "user" "system" or "assistant".

  • If role is "system", this message must and can only be the first message in the list.

  • The user and assistant must speak alternatively.

  • The user must speak in the beginning and end of the input messages list.

Prompt Strategy

If the role field of the first message is "system", it will be converted into a single message with the role field as "system" and the content field as the system message. The rest of the messages will be converted into a message with the role field as "user" and the content field as the conversation history.

An example is shown below:

from agentscope.models import DashScopeChatWrapper
from agentscope.message import Msg

model = DashScopeChatWrapper(
    config_name="", # empty since we directly initialize the model wrapper

prompt = model.format(
   Msg("system", "You're a helpful assistant", role="system"),   # Msg object
   [                                                             # a list of Msg objects
      Msg(name="Bob", content="Hi!", role="assistant"),
      Msg(name="Alice", content="Nice to meet you!", role="assistant"),
prompt = [
        "role": "user",
        "content": (
            "You are a helpful assistant\n"
            "## Conversation History\n"
            "Bob: Hi!\n"
            "Alice: Nice to meet you!"


DashScopeMultiModalWrapper encapsulates the DashScope multimodal conversation API, which takes a list of messages as input. The message must obey the following rules (updated in 2024/04/04):

  • Each message is a dictionary with role and content fields.

    • The role field must be either "user", "system", or "assistant".

    • The content field must be a list of dictionaries, where

      • Each dictionary only contains one key-value pair, whose key must be text, image or audio.

      • text field is a string, representing the text content.

      • image field is a string, representing the image url.

      • audio field is a string, representing the audio url.

      • The content field can contain multiple dictionaries with the key image or multiple dictionaries with the key audio at the same time. For example:

        "role": "user",
        "content": [
            {"text": "What's the difference between these two pictures?"},
            {"image": "https://xxx1.png"},
            {"image": "https://xxx2.png"}
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": [{"text": "The first picture is a cat, and the second picture is a dog."}]
        "role": "user",
        "content": [{"text": "I see, thanks!"}]
  • The message with the role field as "system" must and can only be the first message in the list.

  • The last message must have the role field as "user".

  • The user and assistant messages must alternate.

Prompt Strategy

Based on the above rules, the format function in DashScopeMultiModalWrapper will parse the input messages as follows:

  • If the first message in the input message list has a role field with the value "system", it will be converted into a system message with the role field as "system" and the content field as the system message. If the url field in the input Msg object is not None, a dictionary with the key "image" or "audio" will be added to the content based on its type.

  • The rest of the messages will be converted into a message with the role field as "user" and the content field as the conversation history. For each message, if their url field is not None, it will add a dictionary with the key "image" or "audio" to the content based on the file type that the url points to.

An example:

from agentscope.models import DashScopeMultiModalWrapper
from agentscope.message import Msg

model = DashScopeMultiModalWrapper(
    config_name="", # empty since we directly initialize the model wrapper

prompt = model.format(
   Msg("system", "You're a helpful assistant", role="system", url="url_to_png1"),   # Msg object
   [                                                                                # a list of Msg objects
      Msg(name="Bob", content="Hi!", role="assistant", url="url_to_png2"),
      Msg(name="Alice", content="Nice to meet you!", role="assistant", url="url_to_png3"),
    "role": "system",
    "content": [
      {"text": "You are a helpful assistant"},
      {"image": "url_to_png1"}
    "role": "user",
    "content": [
      {"text": "## Conversation History\nBob: Hi!\nAlice: Nice to meet you!"},
      {"image": "url_to_png2"},
      {"image": "url_to_png3"},


LiteLLMChatWrapper encapsulates the litellm chat API, which takes a list of messages as input. The litellm supports different types of models, and each model might need to obey different formats. To simplify the usage, we provide a format that could be compatible with most models. If more specific formats are needed, you can refer to the specific model you use as well as the litellm documentation to customize your own format function for your model.

  • format all the messages in the chat history, into a single message with "user" as role

Prompt Strategy

  • Messages will consist conversation history in the user message prefixed by the system message and “## Conversation History”.

from agentscope.models import LiteLLMChatWrapper
from agentscope.message import Msg

model = LiteLLMChatWrapper(
    config_name="", # empty since we directly initialize the model wrapper

prompt = model.format(
  Msg("system", "You are a helpful assistant", role="system"),
      Msg("user", "What is the weather today?", role="user"),
      Msg("assistant", "It is sunny today", role="assistant"),

        "role": "user",
        "content": (
            "You are a helpful assistant\n"
            "## Conversation History\n"
            "user: What is the weather today?\n"
            "assistant: It is sunny today"


OllamaChatWrapper encapsulates the Ollama chat API, which takes a list of messages as input. The message must obey the following rules (updated in 2024/03/22):

  • Require role and content fields, and role must be either "user", "system", or "assistant".

  • An optional images field can be added to the message

Prompt Strategy

  • If the role field of the first input message is "system", it will be treated as system prompt and the other messages will consist conversation history in the system message prefixed by “## Conversation History”.

  • If the url attribute of messages is not None, we will gather all urls in the "images" field in the returned dictionary.

from agentscope.models import OllamaChatWrapper
from agentscope.message import Msg

model = OllamaChatWrapper(
    config_name="", # empty since we directly initialize the model wrapper

prompt = model.format(
   Msg("system", "You're a helpful assistant", role="system"),   # Msg object
   [                                                             # a list of Msg objects
      Msg(name="Bob", content="Hi.", role="assistant"),
      Msg(name="Alice", content="Nice to meet you!", role="assistant", url=""),

        "role": "system",
        "content": (
            "You are a helpful assistant\n"
            "## Conversation History\n"
            "Bob: Hi.\n"
            "Alice: Nice to meet you!",
        "images": [""]


OllamaGenerationWrapper encapsulates the Ollama generation API, which takes a string prompt as input without any constraints (updated to 2024/03/22).

Prompt Strategy

If the role field of the first message is "system", a system prompt will be created. The rest of the messages will be combined into conversation history in string format.

from agentscope.models import OllamaGenerationWrapper
from agentscope.message import Msg

model = OllamaGenerationWrapper(
    config_name="", # empty since we directly initialize the model wrapper

prompt = model.format(
   Msg("system", "You're a helpful assistant", role="system"),   # Msg object
   [                                                             # a list of Msg objects
      Msg(name="Bob", content="Hi.", role="assistant"),
      Msg(name="Alice", content="Nice to meet you!", role="assistant"),

You are a helpful assistant

## Conversation History
Bob: Hi.
Alice: Nice to meet you!


GeminiChatWrapper encapsulates the Gemini chat API, which takes a list of messages or a string prompt as input. Similar to DashScope Chat API, if we pass a list of messages, it must obey the following rules:

  • Require role and parts fields. role must be either "user" or "model", and parts must be a list of strings.

  • The user and model must speak alternatively.

  • The user must speak in the beginning and end of the input messages list.

Such requirements make it difficult to build a multi-agent conversation when an agent may act as many different roles and speak continuously. Therefore, we decide to convert the list of messages into a user message in our built-in format function.

Prompt Strategy

If the role field of the first message is "system", a system prompt will be added in the beginning. The other messages will be combined into conversation history.

Note sometimes the parts field may contain image urls, which is not supported in format function. We recommend developers to customize the prompt according to their needs.

from agentscope.models import GeminiChatWrapper
from agentscope.message import Msg

model = GeminiChatWrapper(
    config_name="", # empty since we directly initialize the model wrapper

prompt = model.format(
   Msg("system", "You're a helpful assistant", role="system"),   # Msg object
   [                                                             # a list of Msg objects
      Msg(name="Bob", content="Hi!", role="assistant"),
      Msg(name="Alice", content="Nice to meet you!", role="assistant"),

        "role": "user",
        "parts": [
            "You are a helpful assistant\n"
            "## Conversation History\n"
            "Bob: Hi!\n"
            "Alice: Nice to meet you!"


ZhipuAIChatWrapper encapsulates the ZhipuAI chat API, which takes a list of messages as input. The message must obey the following rules:

  • Require role and content fields, and role must be either "user" "system" or "assistant".

  • There must be at least one user message.

Prompt Strategy

If the role field of the first message is "system", it will be converted into a single message with the role field as "system" and the content field as the system message. The rest of the messages will be converted into a message with the role field as "user" and the content field as the conversation history.

An example is shown below:

from agentscope.models import ZhipuAIChatWrapper
from agentscope.message import Msg

model = ZhipuAIChatWrapper(
    config_name="", # empty since we directly initialize the model wrapper
    api_key="your api key",

prompt = model.format(
   Msg("system", "You're a helpful assistant", role="system"),   # Msg object
   [                                                             # a list of Msg objects
      Msg(name="Bob", content="Hi!", role="assistant"),
      Msg(name="Alice", content="Nice to meet you!", role="assistant"),
  {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant"},
  {"role": "user", "content": "## Conversation History\nBob: Hi!\nAlice: Nice to meet you!"},

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