Source code for agentscope.agents._react_agent_v2

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The ReAct Agent V2, which use the tools API of the LLM service providers
rather than assembling the prompt manually."""
from typing import Union, Optional

from ._agent import AgentBase
from ..manager import ModelManager
from ..message import Msg, ToolUseBlock, TextBlock, ContentBlock
from ..service import ServiceToolkit, ServiceResponse, ServiceExecStatus

[docs] class ReActAgentV2(AgentBase): """The ReAct Agent V2, which use the tools API of the LLM service providers rather than assembling the prompt manually. The currently supported LLM providers include: - Anthropic - DashScope - OpenAI """ def __init__( self, name: str, model_config_name: str, service_toolkit: ServiceToolkit, sys_prompt: str = "You're a helpful assistant named {name}.", max_iters: int = 10, verbose: bool = True, ) -> None: """Initial the ReAct agent with the given name, model config name and tools. Args: name (`str`): The name of the agent. model_config_name (`str`): The name of the model config, which is used to load model from configuration. service_toolkit (`ServiceToolkit`): The service toolkit object that contains the tool functions. sys_prompt (`str`): The system prompt of the agent. max_iters (`int`, defaults to `10`): The maximum number of iterations of the reasoning-acting loops. verbose (`bool`, defaults to `True`): Whether to print the detailed information during reasoning and acting steps. If `False`, only the content in speak field will be print out. """ super().__init__(name=name) self.sys_prompt: str = sys_prompt.format( self.model = ModelManager.get_instance().get_model_by_config_name( model_config_name, ) self.service_toolkit = service_toolkit self.service_toolkit.add(self.generate_response) # Obtain the JSON schemas of the tool functions # Also, you can parse it in the _reasoning method for dynamic tool # calls = self.model.format_tools_json_schemas( self.service_toolkit.json_schemas, ) self.verbose = verbose self.max_iters = max_iters
[docs] def reply(self, x: Optional[Union[Msg, list[Msg]]] = None) -> Msg: """The reply method of the agent.""" self.memory.add(x) for _ in range(self.max_iters): # Reasoning to generate tool calls tool_calls = self._reasoning() if tool_calls is None: continue # Acting based on the tool calls msg_response = self._acting(tool_calls) if msg_response: return msg_response # Generate a response when exceeding the maximum iterations return self._summarizing()
def _reasoning(self) -> Union[list[ToolUseBlock], None]: """The reasoning process of the agent. Returns: `Union[ToolUseBlock, None]`: Return `None` if no tool is used, otherwise return the tool use block. """ prompt = self.model.format( Msg( "system", self.sys_prompt, role="system", ), self.memory.get_memory(), ) raw_response = self.model(prompt, if self.verbose: self.speak( or raw_response.text, tool_calls=raw_response.tool_calls, ) # Prepare the content for the msg content: list[ContentBlock] = [] if raw_response.text: content.append(TextBlock(type="text", text=raw_response.text)) if raw_response.tool_calls: content.extend(raw_response.tool_calls) self.memory.add( Msg(, content, role="assistant", ), ) return raw_response.tool_calls def _acting(self, tool_calls: list[ToolUseBlock]) -> Union[None, Msg]: """The acting process of the agent, which takes a tool use block as input, execute the function and return a message if the `generate_response` function is called. Args: tool_calls (`ToolUseBlock`): The tool use block to be executed. Returns: `Union[None, Msg]`: Return `None` if the function is not `generate_response`, otherwise return a message to the user. """ msg_response: Union[None, Msg] = None for tool_call in tool_calls: msg_execution = self.service_toolkit.parse_and_call_func( tool_call, tools_api_mode=True, ) if self.verbose: self.speak(msg_execution) self.memory.add(msg_execution) if tool_call["name"] == "generate_response": msg_response = Msg(, str(tool_call["input"]["response"]), "assistant", echo=True, ) return msg_response def _summarizing(self) -> Msg: """Generate a response when the agent fails to solve the problem in the maximum iterations.""" hint_msg = Msg( "user", "You have failed to generate response within the maximum " "iterations. Now respond directly by summarizing the current " "situation.", role="user", echo=self.verbose, ) # Generate a reply by summarizing the current situation prompt = self.model.format( self.memory.get_memory(), hint_msg, ) res = self.model(prompt) self.speak( or res.text) res_msg = Msg(, res.text, "assistant") return res_msg
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_response( response: str, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> ServiceResponse: """Generate a response. You must call this function to interact with others (e.g., users). Args: response (`str`): The response to the user. """ return ServiceResponse( status=ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS, content="Success", )