Import all agent related modules in the package.
- class AgentBase(*args: tuple, **kwargs: dict)[source]
Base class for all agents.
All agents should inherit from this class and implement the reply function.
- observe(x: Msg | Sequence[Msg]) None [source]
Observe the input, store it in memory without response to it.
- Parameters:
x (Union[Msg, Sequence[Msg]]) – The input message to be recorded in memory.
- register_post_observe_hook(hook_name: str, hook: Callable[[AgentBase], None]) None [source]
Register a post-observe hook to the agent, which will be called after calling the observe function.
- Parameters:
hook_name (str) – The name of the hook. If the name is already registered, the hook will be overwritten.
hook (Callable[[AgentBase], None]) – The hook function which takes the self object as input.
- register_post_reply_hook(hook_name: str, hook: Callable[[AgentBase, Msg], Msg | None]) None [source]
Register a post-reply hook to the agent, which will be called after calling the reply function. If the hook returns a message, the original message will be replaced as the output of the reply function.
- Parameters:
hook_name (str) – The name of the hook. If the name is already registered, the hook will be overwritten.
hook (Callable[[AgentBase, Msg], Union[Msg, None]]) – The hook function which takes the self object and the output message as input. If the hook returns a message, the original message will be replaced as the output of the reply function.
- register_post_speak_hook(hook_name: str, hook: Callable[[AgentBase], None]) None [source]
Register a post-speak hook to the agent, which will be called after calling the speak function.
- Parameters:
hook_name (str) – The name of the hook. If the name is already registered, the hook will be overwritten.
hook (Callable[[AgentBase], None]) – The hook function which takes the self object as input.
- register_pre_observe_hook(hook_name: str, hook: Callable[[AgentBase, Msg | list[Msg]], Msg | list[Msg] | None]) None [source]
Register a pre-observe hook to the agent, which will be called before calling the observe function. If the hook returns message(s), the original message(s) will be replaced as the input of the observe function.
- Parameters:
hook_name (str) – The name of the hook. If the name is already registered, the hook will be overwritten.
(`Callable[[AgentBase (hook) –
Union[Union[Msg, list[Msg]], None]`): The hook function which takes the self object and the input message(s) as input. If the hook returns message(s), the original message(s) will be replaced as the input of the observe function.
Union[Msg – Union[Union[Msg, list[Msg]], None]`): The hook function which takes the self object and the input message(s) as input. If the hook returns message(s), the original message(s) will be replaced as the input of the observe function.
list[Msg]]] – Union[Union[Msg, list[Msg]], None]`): The hook function which takes the self object and the input message(s) as input. If the hook returns message(s), the original message(s) will be replaced as the input of the observe function.
- :paramUnion[Union[Msg, list[Msg]], None]`):
The hook function which takes the self object and the input message(s) as input. If the hook returns message(s), the original message(s) will be replaced as the input of the observe function.
- register_pre_reply_hook(hook_name: str, hook: Callable[[AgentBase, Msg | list[Msg] | None], Msg | list[Msg] | None]) None [source]
Register a pre-reply hook to the agent, which will be called before calling the reply function. If the hook returns messages(s), the original message(s) will be replaced as the input of the reply function.
- Arg:
- hook_name (str):
The name of the hook. If the name is already registered, the hook will be overwritten.
- hook (`Callable[[AgentBase, Optional[Union[Msg, list[Msg]]]],
Union[Union[Msg, list[Msg]], None]`): The hook function which takes the self object and the input message(s) as input. If the hook returns message(s), the original message(s) will be replaced as the input of the reply function.
- register_pre_speak_hook(hook_name: str, hook: Callable[[AgentBase, Msg, bool, bool], Msg | None]) None [source]
Register a pre-speak hook to the agent, which will be called during the speak function. If the hook returns a message, the original message will be replaced as the input of the speak function.
- Parameters:
hook_name (str) – The name of the hook. If the name is already registered, the hook will be overwritten.
hook (Callable[[AgentBase, Msg, bool, bool], Union[Msg, None]]) – The hook function which takes the self object, the input message, a streaming flag, and a last flag as input. Within the speak function, the streaming message will be split into multiple sub messages with the same id, and the hook will be called for each sub message. If the hook returns a message, the original message will be replaced as the input of the speak function.
- remove_post_observe_hook(hook_name: str) None [source]
Remove the post observe hook from the agent.
- Parameters:
hook_name (str) – The name of the hook to be removed.
- remove_post_reply_hook(hook_name: str) None [source]
Remove the post reply hook from the agent.
- Parameters:
hook_name (str) – The name of the hook to be removed.
- remove_post_speak_hook(hook_name: str) None [source]
Remove the post speak hook from the agent.
- Parameters:
hook_name (str) – The name of the hook to be removed.
- remove_pre_observe_hook(hook_name: str) None [source]
Remove the pre observe hook from the agent.
- Parameters:
hook_name (str) – The name of the hook to be removed.
- remove_pre_reply_hook(hook_name: str) None [source]
Remove the pre reply hook from the agent.
- Parameters:
hook_name (str) – The name of the hook to be removed.
- remove_pre_speak_hook(hook_name: str) None [source]
Remove the pre speak hook from the agent.
- Parameters:
hook_name (str) – The name of the hook to be removed.
- reply(x: Msg | list[Msg] | None = None) Msg [source]
Define the actions taken by this agent.
- Parameters:
x (Optional[Union[Msg, list[Msg]]], defaults to None) – The input message(s) to the agent, which also can be omitted if the agent doesn’t need any input.
- Returns:
The output message generated by the agent.
- Return type:
Given that some agents are in an adversarial environment, their input doesn’t include the thoughts of other agents.
- reset_audience(audience: Sequence[AgentBase]) None [source]
Set the audience of this agent, which means if this agent generates a response, it will be passed to all audiences.
- Parameters:
audience (Sequence[AgentBase]) – The audience of this agent, which will be notified when this agent generates a response message.
- rm_audience(audience: Sequence[AgentBase] | AgentBase) None [source]
Remove the given audience from the Sequence
- speak(content: str | Msg | Generator[Tuple[bool, str], None, None] | None, tool_calls: list[ToolUseBlock] | None = None) None [source]
Speak out the message generated by the agent. If a string is given, a Msg object will be created with the string as the content.
- Parameters:
content –
(Union[str, Msg, Generator[Tuple[bool, str], None, None], None]):
The content of the message to be spoken out. If a string is given, a Msg object will be created with the agent’s name, role as “assistant”, and the given string as the content. If the content is a Generator, the agent will speak out the message chunk by chunk.
tool_calls (Optional[list[ToolUseBlock]], defaults to None) – The tool calls generated by the agent. This parameter is only used when the content is a string or a generator (TODO). When the content is a Msg object, the tool calls should be included in the content field of the Msg object.
- to_dist(host: str = 'localhost', port: int | None = None, max_pool_size: int = 8192, max_expire_time: int = 7200, max_timeout_seconds: int = 5, local_mode: bool = True, retry_strategy: ~agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryBase = <agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryFixedTimes object>) Any
Convert current object into its distributed version.
- Parameters:
host (str, defaults to “localhost”) – Hostname of the rpc agent server.
port (int, defaults to None) – Port of the rpc agent server.
max_pool_size (int, defaults to 8192) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. The max number of agent reply messages that the started agent server can accommodate. Note that the oldest message will be deleted after exceeding the pool size.
max_expire_time (int, defaults to 7200) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Maximum time for reply messages to be cached in the launched agent server. Note that expired messages will be deleted.
max_timeout_seconds (int, defaults to 5) – Max timeout seconds for the rpc call.
local_mode (bool, defaults to True) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Whether the started agent server only listens to local requests.
retry_strategy (RetryBase, defaults to _DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY) – The retry strategy for the async rpc call.
- Returns:
the wrapped agent instance with distributed functionality
- Return type:
- property agent_id: str
The unique id of this agent.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- class DialogAgent(*args: tuple, **kwargs: dict)[source]
A simple agent used to perform a dialogue. Your can set its role by sys_prompt.
- reply(x: Sequence[Msg] | Msg | None = None) Msg [source]
Reply function of the agent. Processes the input data, generates a prompt using the current dialogue memory and system prompt, and invokes the language model to produce a response. The response is then formatted and added to the dialogue memory.
- Parameters:
x (Optional[Union[Msg, Sequence[Msg]]], defaults to None) – The input message(s) to the agent, which also can be omitted if the agent doesn’t need any input.
- Returns:
The output message generated by the agent.
- Return type:
- to_dist(host: str = 'localhost', port: int | None = None, max_pool_size: int = 8192, max_expire_time: int = 7200, max_timeout_seconds: int = 5, local_mode: bool = True, retry_strategy: ~agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryBase = <agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryFixedTimes object>) Any
Convert current object into its distributed version.
- Parameters:
host (str, defaults to “localhost”) – Hostname of the rpc agent server.
port (int, defaults to None) – Port of the rpc agent server.
max_pool_size (int, defaults to 8192) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. The max number of agent reply messages that the started agent server can accommodate. Note that the oldest message will be deleted after exceeding the pool size.
max_expire_time (int, defaults to 7200) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Maximum time for reply messages to be cached in the launched agent server. Note that expired messages will be deleted.
max_timeout_seconds (int, defaults to 5) – Max timeout seconds for the rpc call.
local_mode (bool, defaults to True) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Whether the started agent server only listens to local requests.
retry_strategy (RetryBase, defaults to _DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY) – The retry strategy for the async rpc call.
- Returns:
the wrapped agent instance with distributed functionality
- Return type:
- class DictDialogAgent(*args: tuple, **kwargs: dict)[source]
An agent that generates response in a dict format, where user can specify the required fields in the response via specifying the parser
About parser, please refer to our [tutorial](
For usage example, please refer to the example of werewolf in examples/game_werewolf
- reply(x: Sequence[Msg] | Msg | None = None) Msg [source]
Reply function of the agent. Processes the input data, generates a prompt using the current dialogue memory and system prompt, and invokes the language model to produce a response. The response is then formatted and added to the dialogue memory.
- Parameters:
x (Optional[Union[Msg, Sequence[Msg]]], defaults to None) – The input message(s) to the agent, which also can be omitted if the agent doesn’t need any input.
- Returns:
The output message generated by the agent.
- Return type:
- Raises:
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError – If the response from the language model is not valid JSON, it defaults to treating the response as plain text.
- set_parser(parser: ParserBase) None [source]
Set response parser, which will provide 1) format instruction; 2) response parsing; 3) filtering fields when returning message, storing message in memory. So developers only need to change the parser, and the agent will work as expected.
- to_dist(host: str = 'localhost', port: int | None = None, max_pool_size: int = 8192, max_expire_time: int = 7200, max_timeout_seconds: int = 5, local_mode: bool = True, retry_strategy: ~agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryBase = <agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryFixedTimes object>) Any
Convert current object into its distributed version.
- Parameters:
host (str, defaults to “localhost”) – Hostname of the rpc agent server.
port (int, defaults to None) – Port of the rpc agent server.
max_pool_size (int, defaults to 8192) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. The max number of agent reply messages that the started agent server can accommodate. Note that the oldest message will be deleted after exceeding the pool size.
max_expire_time (int, defaults to 7200) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Maximum time for reply messages to be cached in the launched agent server. Note that expired messages will be deleted.
max_timeout_seconds (int, defaults to 5) – Max timeout seconds for the rpc call.
local_mode (bool, defaults to True) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Whether the started agent server only listens to local requests.
retry_strategy (RetryBase, defaults to _DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY) – The retry strategy for the async rpc call.
- Returns:
the wrapped agent instance with distributed functionality
- Return type:
- class LlamaIndexAgent(*args: tuple, **kwargs: dict)[source]
A LlamaIndex agent build on LlamaIndex.
- reply(x: Sequence[Msg] | Msg | None = None) Msg [source]
Reply function of the RAG agent. Processes the input data, 1) use the input data to retrieve with RAG function; 2) generates a prompt using the current memory and system prompt; 3) invokes the language model to produce a response. The response is then formatted and added to the dialogue memory.
- Parameters:
x (Optional[Union[Msg, Sequence[Msg]]], defaults to None) – The input message(s) to the agent, which also can be omitted if the agent doesn’t need any input.
- Returns:
The output message generated by the agent.
- Return type:
- to_dist(host: str = 'localhost', port: int | None = None, max_pool_size: int = 8192, max_expire_time: int = 7200, max_timeout_seconds: int = 5, local_mode: bool = True, retry_strategy: ~agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryBase = <agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryFixedTimes object>) Any
Convert current object into its distributed version.
- Parameters:
host (str, defaults to “localhost”) – Hostname of the rpc agent server.
port (int, defaults to None) – Port of the rpc agent server.
max_pool_size (int, defaults to 8192) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. The max number of agent reply messages that the started agent server can accommodate. Note that the oldest message will be deleted after exceeding the pool size.
max_expire_time (int, defaults to 7200) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Maximum time for reply messages to be cached in the launched agent server. Note that expired messages will be deleted.
max_timeout_seconds (int, defaults to 5) – Max timeout seconds for the rpc call.
local_mode (bool, defaults to True) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Whether the started agent server only listens to local requests.
retry_strategy (RetryBase, defaults to _DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY) – The retry strategy for the async rpc call.
- Returns:
the wrapped agent instance with distributed functionality
- Return type:
- class ReActAgent(*args: tuple, **kwargs: dict)[source]
An agent class that implements the ReAct algorithm. More details refer to
This is an example implementation of ReAct algorithm in AgentScope. We follow the idea within the paper, but the detailed prompt engineering maybe different. Developers are encouraged to modify the prompt to fit their own needs.
1. We use the “thought” field in the response to support Chain-of-Thought, which means the tool functions cannot use “thought” as their argument name. 2. The function name “finish” is also a reserved name when using this agent, which will be used to end the reasoning-acting loop.
- static finish(response: str) ServiceResponse [source]
Finish reasoning and generate a response to the user.
The function won’t be executed, actually.
- Parameters:
response (str) – The response to the user.
- to_dist(host: str = 'localhost', port: int | None = None, max_pool_size: int = 8192, max_expire_time: int = 7200, max_timeout_seconds: int = 5, local_mode: bool = True, retry_strategy: ~agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryBase = <agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryFixedTimes object>) Any
Convert current object into its distributed version.
- Parameters:
host (str, defaults to “localhost”) – Hostname of the rpc agent server.
port (int, defaults to None) – Port of the rpc agent server.
max_pool_size (int, defaults to 8192) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. The max number of agent reply messages that the started agent server can accommodate. Note that the oldest message will be deleted after exceeding the pool size.
max_expire_time (int, defaults to 7200) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Maximum time for reply messages to be cached in the launched agent server. Note that expired messages will be deleted.
max_timeout_seconds (int, defaults to 5) – Max timeout seconds for the rpc call.
local_mode (bool, defaults to True) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Whether the started agent server only listens to local requests.
retry_strategy (RetryBase, defaults to _DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY) – The retry strategy for the async rpc call.
- Returns:
the wrapped agent instance with distributed functionality
- Return type:
- class ReActAgentV2(*args: tuple, **kwargs: dict)[source]
The ReAct Agent V2, which use the tools API of the LLM service providers rather than assembling the prompt manually.
The currently supported LLM providers include: - Anthropic - DashScope - OpenAI
- static generate_response(response: str) ServiceResponse [source]
Generate a response. You must call this function to interact with others (e.g., users).
- Parameters:
response (str) – The response to the user.
- to_dist(host: str = 'localhost', port: int | None = None, max_pool_size: int = 8192, max_expire_time: int = 7200, max_timeout_seconds: int = 5, local_mode: bool = True, retry_strategy: ~agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryBase = <agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryFixedTimes object>) Any
Convert current object into its distributed version.
- Parameters:
host (str, defaults to “localhost”) – Hostname of the rpc agent server.
port (int, defaults to None) – Port of the rpc agent server.
max_pool_size (int, defaults to 8192) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. The max number of agent reply messages that the started agent server can accommodate. Note that the oldest message will be deleted after exceeding the pool size.
max_expire_time (int, defaults to 7200) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Maximum time for reply messages to be cached in the launched agent server. Note that expired messages will be deleted.
max_timeout_seconds (int, defaults to 5) – Max timeout seconds for the rpc call.
local_mode (bool, defaults to True) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Whether the started agent server only listens to local requests.
retry_strategy (RetryBase, defaults to _DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY) – The retry strategy for the async rpc call.
- Returns:
the wrapped agent instance with distributed functionality
- Return type:
- class UserAgent(*args: tuple, **kwargs: dict)[source]
User agent class
- reply(x: Sequence[Msg] | Msg | None = None, required_keys: list[str] | str | None = None, timeout: int | None = None) Msg [source]
Processes the input provided by the user and stores it in memory, potentially formatting it with additional provided details.
The method prompts the user for input, then optionally prompts for additional specifics based on the provided format keys. All information is encapsulated in a message object, which is then added to the object’s memory.
- Parameters:
x (Optional[Union[Msg, Sequence[Msg]]], defaults to None) – The input message(s) to the agent, which also can be omitted if the agent doesn’t need any input.
required_keys (Optional[Union[list[str], str]], defaults to None) – Strings that requires user to input, which will be used as the key of the returned dict. Defaults to None.
timeout (Optional[int], defaults to None) – Raise TimeoutError if user exceed input time, set to None for no limit.
- Returns:
The output message generated by the agent.
- Return type:
- speak(content: str | Msg) None [source]
Speak out the message generated by the agent. If a string is given, a Msg object will be created with the string as the content.
- Parameters:
content (Union[str, Msg]) – The content of the message to be spoken out. If a string is given, a Msg object will be created with the agent’s name, role as “user”, and the given string as the content.
- to_dist(host: str = 'localhost', port: int | None = None, max_pool_size: int = 8192, max_expire_time: int = 7200, max_timeout_seconds: int = 5, local_mode: bool = True, retry_strategy: ~agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryBase = <agentscope.rpc.retry_strategy.RetryFixedTimes object>) Any
Convert current object into its distributed version.
- Parameters:
host (str, defaults to “localhost”) – Hostname of the rpc agent server.
port (int, defaults to None) – Port of the rpc agent server.
max_pool_size (int, defaults to 8192) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. The max number of agent reply messages that the started agent server can accommodate. Note that the oldest message will be deleted after exceeding the pool size.
max_expire_time (int, defaults to 7200) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Maximum time for reply messages to be cached in the launched agent server. Note that expired messages will be deleted.
max_timeout_seconds (int, defaults to 5) – Max timeout seconds for the rpc call.
local_mode (bool, defaults to True) – Only takes effect when host and port are not filled in. Whether the started agent server only listens to local requests.
retry_strategy (RetryBase, defaults to _DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY) – The retry strategy for the async rpc call.
- Returns:
the wrapped agent instance with distributed functionality
- Return type: