Source code for agentscope.server.servicer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Server of distributed agent"""
import os
import threading
import traceback
import json
from concurrent import futures
from multiprocessing.synchronize import Event as EventClass
from typing import Any
from loguru import logger
import requests

    import cloudpickle as pickle
    import psutil
    import grpc
    from grpc import ServicerContext
    from google.protobuf.empty_pb2 import Empty
except ImportError as import_error:
    from agentscope.utils.common import ImportErrorReporter

    pickle = ImportErrorReporter(import_error, "distribute")
    psutil = ImportErrorReporter(import_error, "distribute")
    grpc = ImportErrorReporter(import_error, "distribute")
    ServicerContext = ImportErrorReporter(import_error, "distribute")
    Empty = ImportErrorReporter(  # type: ignore[misc]

from agentscope.rpc.rpc_object import RpcObject
from agentscope.rpc.rpc_meta import RpcMeta
import agentscope.rpc.rpc_agent_pb2 as agent_pb2
from import _studio_client
from agentscope.exception import StudioRegisterError
from agentscope.rpc import AsyncResult
from agentscope.rpc.rpc_agent_pb2_grpc import RpcAgentServicer
from agentscope.server.async_result_pool import get_pool
from agentscope.serialize import serialize

def _register_server_to_studio(
    studio_url: str,
    server_id: str,
    host: str,
    port: int,
) -> None:
    """Register a server to studio."""
    url = f"{studio_url}/api/servers/register"
    resp =
            "server_id": server_id,
            "host": host,
            "port": port,
        timeout=10,  # todo: configurable timeout
    if resp.status_code != 200:
        logger.error(f"Failed to register server: {resp.text}")
        raise StudioRegisterError(f"Failed to register server: {resp.text}")

# todo: opt this

[docs] class AgentServerServicer(RpcAgentServicer): """A Servicer for RPC Agent Server (formerly RpcServerSideWrapper)""" def __init__( self, stop_event: EventClass, host: str = "localhost", port: int = None, server_id: str = None, studio_url: str = None, capacity: int = 32, pool_type: str = "local", redis_url: str = "redis://localhost:6379", max_pool_size: int = 8192, max_expire_time: int = 7200, max_timeout_seconds: int = 5, ): """Init the AgentServerServicer. Args: stop_event (`Event`): Event to stop the server. host (`str`, defaults to "localhost"): Hostname of the rpc agent server. port (`int`, defaults to `None`): Port of the rpc agent server. server_id (`str`, defaults to `None`): Server id of the rpc agent server. studio_url (`str`, defaults to `None`): URL of the AgentScope Studio. capacity (`int`, default to `32`): The number of concurrent agents in the servicer. max_pool_size (`int`, defaults to `8192`): The max number of async results that the server can accommodate. Note that the oldest result will be deleted after exceeding the pool size. max_expire_time (`int`, defaults to `7200`): Maximum time for async results to be cached in the server. Note that expired messages will be deleted. max_timeout_seconds (`int`, defaults to `5`): The maximum time (in seconds) that the server will wait for the result of an async call. """ = host self.port = port self.server_id = server_id self.studio_url = studio_url if studio_url is not None: from agentscope.manager import ASManager _register_server_to_studio( studio_url=studio_url, server_id=server_id, host=host, port=port, ) run_id = ASManager.get_instance().run_id _studio_client.initialize(run_id, studio_url) self.result_pool = get_pool( pool_type=pool_type, redis_url=redis_url, max_len=max_pool_size, max_expire=max_expire_time, ) self.executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=capacity) self.task_id_lock = threading.Lock() self.agent_id_lock = threading.Lock() self.task_id_counter = 0 self.agent_pool: dict[str, Any] = {} = os.getpid() self.stop_event = stop_event self.timeout = max_timeout_seconds
[docs] def agent_exists(self, agent_id: str) -> bool: """Check whether the agent exists. Args: agent_id (`str`): the agent id. Returns: bool: whether the agent exists. """ return agent_id in self.agent_pool
[docs] def get_agent(self, agent_id: str) -> Any: """Get the object by agent id. Args: agent_id (`str`): the agent id. Returns: Any: the object. """ with self.agent_id_lock: return self.agent_pool.get(agent_id, None)
[docs] def is_alive( self, request: Empty, context: ServicerContext, ) -> agent_pb2.GeneralResponse: """Check whether the server is alive.""" return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse(ok=True)
[docs] def stop( self, request: Empty, context: ServicerContext, ) -> agent_pb2.GeneralResponse: """Stop the server.""" self.stop_event.set() return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse(ok=True)
[docs] def create_agent( self, request: agent_pb2.CreateAgentRequest, context: ServicerContext, ) -> agent_pb2.GeneralResponse: """Create a new agent on the server.""" agent_id = request.agent_id agent_configs = pickle.loads(request.agent_init_args) cls_name = agent_configs["class_name"] try: cls = RpcMeta.get_class(cls_name) except ValueError as e: err_msg = (f"Class [{cls_name}] not found: {str(e)}",) logger.error(err_msg) return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse(ok=False, message=err_msg) try: instance = cls( *agent_configs["args"], **agent_configs["kwargs"], ) except Exception as e: err_msg = f"Failed to create agent instance <{cls_name}>: {str(e)}" logger.error(err_msg) return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse(ok=False, message=err_msg) # Reset the __reduce_ex__ method of the instance # With this method, all objects stored in agent_pool will be serialized # into their Rpc version rpc_init_cfg = ( cls, agent_id,, self.port, True, ) instance._dist_config = { # pylint: disable=W0212 "args": rpc_init_cfg, } def to_rpc(obj, _) -> tuple: # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] return ( RpcObject, obj._dist_config["args"], # pylint: disable=W0212 ) instance.__reduce_ex__ = to_rpc.__get__( # pylint: disable=E1120 instance, ) instance._oid = agent_id # pylint: disable=W0212 with self.agent_id_lock: if agent_id in self.agent_pool: return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse( ok=False, message=f"Agent with agent_id [{agent_id}] already exists", ) self.agent_pool[agent_id] = instance"create agent instance <{cls_name}>[{agent_id}]") return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse(ok=True)
[docs] def delete_agent( self, request: agent_pb2.StringMsg, context: ServicerContext, ) -> agent_pb2.GeneralResponse: """Delete agents from the server. Args: request (`StringMsg`): The `value` field is the agent_id of the agents to be deleted. """ aid = request.value with self.agent_id_lock: if aid in self.agent_pool: agent = self.agent_pool.pop(aid) f"delete agent instance <{agent.__class__.__name__}>" f"[{aid}]", ) return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse(ok=True) else: logger.warning( f"try to delete a non-existent agent [{aid}].", ) return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse( ok=False, message=f"try to delete a non-existent agent [{aid}].", )
[docs] def delete_all_agents( self, request: Empty, context: ServicerContext, ) -> agent_pb2.GeneralResponse: with self.agent_id_lock: self.agent_pool.clear() "Deleting all agent instances on the server", ) return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse(ok=True)
[docs] def call_agent_func( # pylint: disable=W0236 self, request: agent_pb2.CallFuncRequest, context: ServicerContext, ) -> agent_pb2.GeneralResponse: """Call the specific servicer function.""" agent_id = request.agent_id func_name = request.target_func raw_value = request.value agent = self.get_agent(request.agent_id) if agent is None: return context.abort( grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, f"Agent [{request.agent_id}] not exists.", ) try: if ( func_name in agent.__class__._info.async_func # pylint: disable=W0212 ): # async function task_id = self.result_pool.prepare() self.executor.submit( self._process_task, task_id, agent_id, func_name, raw_value, ) return agent_pb2.CallFuncResponse( ok=True, value=pickle.dumps(task_id), ) elif ( func_name in agent.__class__._info.sync_func # pylint: disable=W0212 ): # sync function args = pickle.loads(raw_value) res = getattr(agent, func_name)( *args.get("args", ()), **args.get("kwargs", {}), ) else: res = getattr(agent, func_name) return agent_pb2.CallFuncResponse( ok=True, value=pickle.dumps(res), ) except Exception: trace = traceback.format_exc() error_msg = f"Agent[{agent_id}] error: {trace}" logger.error(error_msg) return context.abort(grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, error_msg)
[docs] def update_placeholder( self, request: agent_pb2.UpdatePlaceholderRequest, context: ServicerContext, ) -> agent_pb2.CallFuncResponse: """Update the value of a placeholder.""" task_id = request.task_id try: result = self.result_pool.get( task_id, timeout=self.timeout, ) except TimeoutError: context.abort( grpc.StatusCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, "Timeout", ) if result[:6] == MAGIC_PREFIX: return agent_pb2.CallFuncResponse( ok=False, message=result[6:].decode("utf-8"), ) else: return agent_pb2.CallFuncResponse( ok=True, value=result, )
[docs] def get_agent_list( self, request: Empty, context: ServicerContext, ) -> agent_pb2.GeneralResponse: """Get id of all agents on the server as a list.""" from agentscope.agents import AgentBase with self.agent_id_lock: summaries = [] for agent in self.agent_pool.values(): if not isinstance(agent, AgentBase): continue summaries.append(str(agent)) return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse( ok=True, # TODO: unified into serialize function to avoid error. message=serialize(summaries), )
[docs] def get_server_info( self, request: Empty, context: ServicerContext, ) -> agent_pb2.GeneralResponse: """Get the agent server resource usage information.""" status = {} status["pid"] = status["id"] = self.server_id process = psutil.Process( status["cpu"] = process.cpu_percent(interval=1) status["mem"] = process.memory_info().rss / (1024**2) status["size"] = len(self.agent_pool) return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse(ok=True, message=serialize(status))
[docs] def set_model_configs( self, request: agent_pb2.StringMsg, context: ServicerContext, ) -> agent_pb2.GeneralResponse: """Set the model configs of the agent server.""" from agentscope.manager import ModelManager model_configs = json.loads(request.value) try: ModelManager.get_instance().load_model_configs(model_configs) except Exception as e: return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse( ok=False, message=str(e), ) return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse(ok=True)
[docs] def get_agent_memory( self, request: agent_pb2.StringMsg, context: ServicerContext, ) -> agent_pb2.StringMsg: """Get the memory of a specific agent.""" agent_id = request.value agent = self.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id) if agent is None: return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse( ok=False, message="Agent [{agent_id}] has not found", ) if agent.memory is None: return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse( ok=False, message="Agent [{agent_id}] has no memory", ) return agent_pb2.GeneralResponse( ok=True, message=serialize(agent.memory.get_memory()), )
[docs] def download_file( self, request: agent_pb2.StringMsg, context: ServicerContext, ) -> Any: """Download file from local path.""" filepath = request.value if not os.path.exists(filepath): context.abort( grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND, f"File {filepath} not found", ) with open(filepath, "rb") as f: while True: piece = * 1024) # send 1MB each time if not piece: break yield agent_pb2.ByteMsg(data=piece)
def _process_task( self, task_id: int, agent_id: str, target_func: str, raw_args: bytes, ) -> None: """Processing the submitted task. Args: task_id (`int`): the id of the task. agent_id (`str`): the id of the agent that will be called. target_func (`str`): the name of the function that will be called. raw_args (`bytes`): the serialized input args. """ if raw_args is not None: args = pickle.loads(raw_args) else: args = None agent = self.get_agent(agent_id) if isinstance(args, AsyncResult): args = args.result() # pylint: disable=W0212 try: if target_func == "reply": result = getattr(agent, target_func)(*args.get("args", ())) else: result = getattr(agent, target_func)( *args.get("args", ()), **args.get("kwargs", {}), ) self.result_pool.set(task_id, pickle.dumps(result)) except Exception: trace = traceback.format_exc() error_msg = f"Agent[{agent_id}] error: {trace}" logger.error(error_msg) self.result_pool.set( task_id, MAGIC_PREFIX + error_msg.encode("utf-8"), )