

compile_workflow(config: dict, compiled_filename: str = '') None[source]

Generates Python code based on the given configuration.

  • config – A dictionary containing the application configuration.

  • compiled_filename – complied file name.

load_config(config_path: str) dict[source]

Load a JSON configuration file.


config_path – A string path to the JSON configuration file.


A dictionary containing the loaded configuration.

main() None[source]

Parse command-line arguments and launch the application workflow.

This function sets up command-line argument parsing and checks if a configuration file path is provided. If the configuration file is found, it proceeds to load it and start the workflow.

If no configuration file is provided, a FileNotFoundError is raised.

start_workflow(config: dict) None[source]

Start the application workflow based on the given configuration.


config – A dictionary containing the application configuration.

This function will initialize and launch the application.