Source code for agentscope.logging

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Logging utilities."""
import os
import sys
from typing import Optional, Literal, Any

from loguru import logger

from .message import Msg
from .serialize import serialize
from .studio._client import _studio_client
from .utils.common import _guess_type_by_extension
from .web.gradio.utils import (

LOG_LEVEL = Literal[


    "<green>{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS}</green> | <level>{"
    "level: <8}</level> | <cyan>{name}</cyan>:<cyan>{"
    "function}</cyan>:<cyan>{line}</cyan> - <level>{"


[docs] def log_stream_msg(msg: Msg, last: bool = True) -> None: """Print the message in different streams, including terminal, studio, and gradio if it is active. Args: msg (`Msg`): The message object to be printed. last (`bool`, defaults to `True`): True if this is the last message in the stream or a single message. Otherwise, False. """ global _PREFIX_DICT # Print msg to terminal formatted_str = msg.formatted_str(colored=True) print_str = formatted_str[_PREFIX_DICT.get(, 0) :] if last: # Remove the prefix from the dictionary del _PREFIX_DICT[] print(print_str) else: # Update the prefix in the dictionary _PREFIX_DICT[] = len(formatted_str) print(print_str, end="") # Push msg to studio if it is active if _studio_client.push_message(msg) # Print to gradio if it is active if last and hasattr(thread_local_data, "uid"): log_gradio(msg, thread_local_data.uid) if last: # Save msg into chat file _save_msg(msg)
def _save_msg(msg: Msg) -> None: """Save the message into `` and `logging.log` files. Args: msg (`Msg`): The message object to be saved. """ # TODO: Unified into a manager rather than an indicated attribute here if hasattr(logger, "chat"): # Not initialize yet logger.log( LEVEL_SAVE_LOG, msg.formatted_str(colored=False), ) logger.log( LEVEL_SAVE_MSG, serialize(msg), )
[docs] def log_msg(msg: Msg, disable_gradio: bool = False) -> None: """Print the message and save it into files. Note the message should be a Msg object.""" if not isinstance(msg, Msg): raise TypeError(f"Get type {type(msg)}, expect Msg object.") print(msg.formatted_str(colored=True)) # Push msg to studio if it is active if _studio_client.push_message(msg) # Print to gradio if it is active if hasattr(thread_local_data, "uid") and not disable_gradio: log_gradio(msg, thread_local_data.uid) # Save msg into chat file _save_msg(msg)
[docs] def log_gradio(msg: Msg, uid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Send chat message to studio. Args: msg (`Msg`): The message to be logged. uid (`str`): The local value 'uid' of the thread. """ if uid: get_reset_msg(uid=uid) avatar = kwargs.get("avatar", None) or generate_image_from_name(, ) content = msg.content flushing = True if msg.url is not None: flushing = False if isinstance(msg.url, str): urls = [msg.url] else: urls = msg.url for url in urls: typ = _guess_type_by_extension(url) if typ == "image": content += f"\n<img src='{url}'/>" elif typ == "audio": content += f"\n<audio src='{url}' controls/></audio>" elif typ == "video": content += f"\n<video src='{url}' controls/></video>" else: content += f"\n<a href='{url}'>{url}</a>" send_msg( content,, uid=uid, flushing=flushing, avatar=avatar, )
def _level_format(record: dict) -> str: """Format the log record.""" # Display the chat message if record["level"].name == LEVEL_SAVE_LOG: return "{message}\n" else: return _DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT
[docs] def setup_logger( path_log: Optional[str] = None, level: LOG_LEVEL = "INFO", ) -> None: r"""Setup `loguru.logger` and redirect stderr to logging. Args: path_log (`str`, defaults to `""`): The directory of log files. level (`str`, defaults to `"INFO"`): The logging level, which is one of the following: `"TRACE"`, `"DEBUG"`, `"INFO"`, `"SUCCESS"`, `"WARNING"`, `"ERROR"`, `"CRITICAL"`. """ # avoid reinit in subprocess if not hasattr(logger, "chat"): # add chat function for logger logger.level(LEVEL_SAVE_LOG, no=51) # save chat message into file logger.level(LEVEL_SAVE_MSG, no=53) = log_msg # set logging level logger.remove() # standard output for all logging except chat logger.add( sys.stdout, filter=lambda record: record["level"].name not in [LEVEL_SAVE_LOG, LEVEL_SAVE_MSG], format=_DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT, enqueue=True, level=level, ) if path_log is not None: os.makedirs(path_log, exist_ok=True) path_log_file = os.path.join(path_log, "logging.log") path_chat_file = os.path.join( path_log, "", ) # save all logging except LEVEL_SAVE_MSG into logging.log logger.add( path_log_file, filter=lambda record: record["level"].name != LEVEL_SAVE_MSG, format=_level_format, enqueue=True, level=level, ) # save chat message into logger.add( path_chat_file, format="{message}", enqueue=True, level=LEVEL_SAVE_MSG, # The highest level to filter out all # other logs )