Source code for agentscope.service.sql_query.mongodb

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""query in MongoDB """
from typing import Optional, Any

from ..service_response import ServiceResponse
from ...service.service_status import ServiceExecStatus

    import pymongo.errors
except ImportError:
    pymongo = None

[docs] def query_mongodb( database: str, collection: str, query: dict, host: str, port: int, maxcount_results: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ServiceResponse: """Execute query within MongoDB database. Args: database (`str`): The name of the database to use. collection (`str`): The name of the collection to use in mongodb. query (`dict`): The mongodb query to execute. host (`str`): The hostname or IP address of the MongoDB server. port (`int`): The port number of MongoDB server. maxcount_results (`int`, defaults to `None`): The maximum number of results to return. Defaults to `100` to avoid too many results. **kwargs: Returns: `ServiceResponse`: A `ServiceResponse` object that contains execution results or error message. Note: MongoDB is a little different from mysql and sqlite, for its operations corresponds to different functions. Now we only support `find` query and leave other operations in the future. """ try: # Establish connection to MongoDB with pymongo.MongoClient( host=host, port=port, **kwargs, ) as mongo_client: db = mongo_client[database] coll = db[collection] # Perform the query if maxcount_results is not None: results = coll.find(query).limit(maxcount_results) else: results = coll.find(query) # mongo_client.close() # Convert the cursor to a list documents = list(results) return ServiceResponse( status=ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS, content=documents, ) except Exception as e: # mongo_client.close() return ServiceResponse( status=ServiceExecStatus.ERROR, # TODO: more specific error message content=str(e), )