Source code for agentscope.service.text_processing.summarization

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Service for text processing
from loguru import logger

from agentscope.models import ModelWrapperBase
from agentscope.service.service_status import ServiceExecStatus
from agentscope.service.service_response import ServiceResponse
from agentscope.message import Msg
from agentscope.constants import _DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT
from agentscope.constants import _DEFAULT_TOKEN_LIMIT_PROMPT

[docs] def summarization( model: ModelWrapperBase, text: str, system_prompt: str = _DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT, max_return_token: int = -1, token_limit_prompt: str = _DEFAULT_TOKEN_LIMIT_PROMPT, ) -> ServiceResponse: """Summarize the input text. Summarization function (Notice: current version of token limitation is built with Open AI API) Args: model (`ModelWrapperBase`): Model used to summarize provided text. text (`str`): Text to be summarized by the model. system_prompt (`str`, defaults to `_DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT`): Prompts as instruction for the system, will be as an instruction for the model. max_return_token (`int`, defaults to `-1`): Whether provide additional prompting instruction to limit the number of tokens in summarization returned by the model. token_limit_prompt (`str`, defaults to `_DEFAULT_TOKEN_LIMIT_PROMPT`): Prompt to instruct the model follow token limitation. Returns: `ServiceResponse`: If the model successfully summarized the text, and the summarization satisfies the provided token limitation, return `ServiceResponse` with `ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS`; otherwise return `ServiceResponse` with `ServiceExecStatus.ERROR` (if the summary is return successfully but exceed the token limits, the content contains the summary as well). Example: The default message with `text` to be summarized: .. code-block:: python [ { "role": "system", "name": "system", "content": "You are a helpful agent to summarize the text.\\ You need to keep all the key information of the text in the\\ summary." }, { "role": "user", "name": "user", "content": text }, ] Messages will be processed by model.format() before feeding to models. """ if max_return_token > 0: system_prompt += token_limit_prompt.format(max_return_token) try: msgs = [ Msg(name="system", role="system", content=system_prompt), Msg(name="user", role="user", content=text), ] msgs = model.format(msgs) model_output = model(msgs) summary = model_output.text return ServiceResponse( ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS, content=summary, ) except ValueError as e: logger.exception(e) return ServiceResponse( ServiceExecStatus.ERROR, content=f"Summarization by model {model.model} fail", )