Source code for agentscope.service.web.tripadvisor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""TripAdvisor APIs for searching and retrieving location information."""

from loguru import logger
import requests
from ..service_response import ServiceResponse
from ..service_status import ServiceExecStatus

[docs] def tripadvisor_search_location_photos( api_key: str, location_id: str = None, query: str = None, language: str = "en", ) -> ServiceResponse: """ Retrieve photos for a specific location using the TripAdvisor API. Args: api_key (`str`): Your TripAdvisor API key. location_id (`str`, optional): The unique identifier for a location on Tripadvisor. The location ID can be obtained using the tripadvisor_search function query (`str`, optional): The search query to find a location. Required if location_id is not provided. language (`str`, optional): The language for the response. Defaults to 'en'. Returns: `ServiceResponse`: A dictionary with two variables: `status` and `content`. The `status` variable is from the ServiceExecStatus enum, and `content` is the JSON response from TripAdvisor API or error information, which depends on the `status` variable. If successful, the `content` will be a dictionary with the following structure: .. code-block:: json { 'photo_data': { 'data': [ { 'id': int, 'is_blessed': bool, 'caption': str, 'published_date': str, 'images': { 'thumbnail': { 'height': int, 'width': int, 'url': str }, 'small': { 'height': int, 'width': int, 'url': str }, 'medium': { 'height': int, 'width': int, 'url': str }, 'large': { 'height': int, 'width': int, 'url': str }, 'original': { 'height': int, 'width': int, 'url': str } }, 'album': str, 'source': {'name': str, 'localized_name': str}, 'user': {'username': str} }, ... ] } } Each item in the 'data' list represents a photo associated with the location. Note: Either `location_id` or `query` must be provided. If both are provided, `location_id` takes precedence. Example: .. code-block:: python # Using location_id result = tripadvisor_search_location_photos( "your_api_key", location_id="123456", language="en" ) if result.status == ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS: print(result.content) # Or using a query result = tripadvisor_search_location_photos( "your_api_key", query="Eiffel Tower", language="en" ) if result.status == ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS: print(result.content) Example of successful `content`: { 'photo_data': { 'data': [ { 'id': 215321638, 'is_blessed': False, 'caption': '', 'published_date': '2016-09-04T20:40:14.284Z', 'images': { 'thumbnail': {'height': 50, 'width': 50, 'url': 'https://media-cdn.../photo0.jpg'}, 'small': {'height': 150, 'width': 150, 'url': 'https://media-cdn.../photo0.jpg'}, 'medium': {'height': 188, 'width': 250, 'url': 'https://media-cdn.../photo0.jpg'}, 'large': {'height': 413, 'width': 550, 'url': 'https://media-cdn.../photo0.jpg'}, 'original': {'height': 1920, 'width': 2560, 'url': 'https://media-cdn.../photo0.jpg'} }, 'album': 'Other', 'source': { 'name': 'Traveler', 'localized_name': 'Traveler' }, 'user': {'username': 'EvaFalleth'} }, # ... more photo entries ... ] } } Raises: ValueError: If neither location_id nor query is provided. """ if location_id is None and query is None: raise ValueError("Either location_id or query must be provided.") if location_id is None: # Use search_tripadvisor to get the location_id search_result = tripadvisor_search(api_key, query, language) if search_result.status != ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS: return search_result # Get the first location_id from the search results locations = search_result.content.get("data", []) if not locations: return ServiceResponse( status=ServiceExecStatus.ERROR, content={"error": "No locations found for the given query."}, ) location_id = locations[0]["location_id"]"Using location_id {location_id} from search results.") # Warning message if there are multiple locations if len(locations) > 1: logger.warning( f"Multiple locations found for query '{query}'. " f"Using the first result. " f"Other {len(locations) - 1} results are ignored.", ) # Now proceed with the original function logic using the location_id url = ( f"{location_id}/" f"photos?language={language}&key={api_key}" ) headers = { "accept": "application/json", }"Requesting photos for location ID {location_id}") try: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=20) f"Received response with status code {response.status_code}", ) if response.status_code == 200:"Successfully retrieved the photo") return ServiceResponse( status=ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS, content=response.json(), ) error_detail = ( response.json() .get("error", {}) .get("message", f"HTTP Error: {response.status_code}") ) logger.error(f"Error in response: {error_detail}") return ServiceResponse( status=ServiceExecStatus.ERROR, content={"error": error_detail}, ) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Exception occurred while requesting location photos") return ServiceResponse( status=ServiceExecStatus.ERROR, content={"error": str(e)}, )
[docs] def tripadvisor_search_location_details( api_key: str, location_id: str = None, query: str = None, language: str = "en", currency: str = "USD", ) -> ServiceResponse: """ Get detailed information about a specific location using the TripAdvisor API. Args: api_key (`str`): Your TripAdvisor API key. location_id (`str`, optional): The unique identifier for the location. Required if query is not provided. query (`str`, optional): The search query to find a location. Required if location_id is not provided. language (`str`, optional): The language for the response. Defaults to 'en', 'zh' for Chinese. currency (`str`, optional): The currency code to use for request and response (should follow ISO 4217). Defaults to 'USD'. Returns: `ServiceResponse`: A dictionary with two variables: `status` and `content`. The `status` variable is from the ServiceExecStatus enum, and `content` is the JSON response from TripAdvisor API or error information, which depends on the `status` variable. If successful, the `content` will be a dictionary with detailed information about the location, including name, address, ratings, reviews, and more. Note: Either `location_id` or `query` must be provided. If both are provided, `location_id` takes precedence. Example: .. code-block:: python # Using location_id result = get_tripadvisor_location_details( "your_api_key", location_id="574818", language="en", currency="USD" ) if result.status == ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS: print(result.content) # Or using a query result = get_tripadvisor_location_details( "your_api_key", query="Socotra Island", language="en", currency="USD" ) if result.status == ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS: print(result.content) Example of successful `content`: { 'location_id': '574818', 'name': 'Socotra Island', 'web_url': '', 'address_obj': { 'street2': '', 'city': 'Aden', 'country': 'Yemen', 'postalcode': '', 'address_string': 'Aden Yemen' }, 'ancestors': [ {'level': 'City', 'name': 'Aden', 'location_id': '298087'}, {'level': 'Country', 'name': 'Yemen', 'location_id': '294014'} ], 'latitude': '12.46342', 'longitude': '53.82374', 'timezone': 'Asia/Aden', 'write_review': '', 'ranking_data': { 'geo_location_id': '298087', 'ranking_string': '#1 of 7 things to do in Aden', 'geo_location_name': 'Aden', 'ranking_out_of': '7', 'ranking': '1' }, 'rating': '5.0', 'rating_image_url': '', 'num_reviews': '62', 'review_rating_count': { '1': '1', '2': '0', '3': '1', '4': '1', '5': '59', }, 'photo_count': '342', 'see_all_photos': '', 'category': {'name': 'attraction', 'localized_name': 'Attraction'}, 'subcategory': [ {'name': 'nature_parks', 'localized_name': 'Nature & Parks'}, {'name': 'attractions', 'localized_name': 'Attractions'} ], 'groups': [ { 'name': 'Nature & Parks', 'localized_name': 'Nature & Parks', 'categories': [{'name': 'Islands', 'localized_name': 'Islands'}] } ], 'neighborhood_info': [], 'trip_types': [ {'name': 'business', 'localized_name': 'Business', 'value': '2'}, {'name': 'couples', 'localized_name': 'Couples', 'value': '10'}, {'name': 'solo', 'localized_name': 'Solo travel', 'value': '11'}, {'name': 'family', 'localized_name': 'Family', 'value': '2'}, {'name': 'friends', 'localized_name': 'Friends getaway', 'value': '22'} ], 'awards': [] } Raises: ValueError: If neither location_id nor query is provided. """ # noqa if location_id is None and query is None: raise ValueError("Either location_id or query must be provided.") if location_id is None: # Use search_tripadvisor to get the location_id search_result = tripadvisor_search(api_key, query, language) if search_result.status != ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS: return search_result # Get the first location_id from the search results locations = search_result.content.get("data", []) if not locations: return ServiceResponse( status=ServiceExecStatus.ERROR, content={"error": "No locations found for the given query."}, ) location_id = locations[0]["location_id"]"Using location_id {location_id} from search results.") # Warning message if there are multiple locations if len(locations) > 1: logger.warning( f"Multiple locations found for query '{query}'. " f"Using the first result. " f"Other {len(locations) - 1} results are ignored.", ) url = ( f"{location_id}/" f"details?language={language}&currency={currency}&key={api_key}" ) headers = { "accept": "application/json", }"Requesting details for location ID {location_id}") try: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=20) f"Received response with status code {response.status_code}", ) if response.status_code == 200:"Successfully retrieved location details") return ServiceResponse( status=ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS, content=response.json(), ) error_detail = ( response.json() .get("error", {}) .get("message", f"HTTP Error: {response.status_code}") ) logger.error(f"Error in response: {error_detail}") return ServiceResponse( status=ServiceExecStatus.ERROR, content={"error": error_detail}, ) except Exception as e: logger.exception( "Exception occurred while requesting location details", ) return ServiceResponse( status=ServiceExecStatus.ERROR, content={"error": str(e)}, )