Source code for agentscope.service.web.wikipedia

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Search contents from WikiPedia
import requests

from ..service_response import (

[docs] def wikipedia_search_categories( query: str, max_members: int = 1000, ) -> ServiceResponse: """Retrieve categories from Wikipedia:Category pages. Args: query (str): The given searching keywords max_members (int): The maximum number of members to output Returns: `ServiceResponse`: A response that contains the execution status and returned content. In the returned content, the meanings of keys: - "pageid": unique page ID for the member - "ns": namespace for the member - "title": title of the member Example: .. code-block:: python members = wiki_get_category_members( "Machine_learning", max_members=10 ) print(members) It returns contents: .. code-block:: python { 'status': <ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS: 1>, 'content': [ { 'pageid': 67911196, 'ns': 0, 'title': 'Bayesian learning mechanisms' }, { 'pageid': 233488, 'ns': 0, 'title': 'Machine learning' }, # ... ] } """ url = "" limit_per_request: int = 500 params = { "action": "query", "list": "categorymembers", "cmtitle": f"Category:{query}", "cmlimit": limit_per_request, # Maximum number of results per request "format": "json", } members = [] total_fetched = 0 try: while total_fetched < max_members: response = requests.get(url, params=params, timeout=20) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() batch_members = data["query"]["categorymembers"] members.extend(batch_members) total_fetched += len(batch_members) # Check if there is a continuation token if "continue" in data and total_fetched < max_members: params["cmcontinue"] = data["continue"]["cmcontinue"] else: break except Exception as e: return ServiceResponse( status=ServiceExecStatus.ERROR, content=str(e), ) # If more members were fetched than max_members, trim the list if len(members) > max_members: members = members[:max_members] if len(members) > 0: return ServiceResponse(ServiceExecStatus.SUCCESS, members) return ServiceResponse(ServiceExecStatus.ERROR, members)