agentscope.service.web.arxiv module

Search papers in arXiv API. This implementation refers to the repository, which is MIT licensed.

Search arXiv paper by a given query string.

  • search_query (str) – The query string, supporting prefixes “all:”, “ti:”, “au:”, “abs:”, “co:”, “jr:”, “cat:”, and “rn:”, boolean operators “AND”, “OR” and “ANDNOT”. For example, searching for papers with title “Deep Learning” and author “LeCun” by a search_query ti:”Deep Learning” AND au:”LeCun”

  • id_list (List[str], defaults to None) – A list of arXiv IDs to search.

  • start (int, defaults to 0) – The index of the first search result to return.

  • max_results (Optional[int], defaults to None) – The maximum number of search results to return.


A dictionary with two variables: status and content. The status variable is from the ServiceExecStatus enum, and content is a list of search results or error information, which depends on the status variable.

Return type:
