We want to introduce three concepts related to RAG in AgentScope: Knowledge, KnowledgeBank and RAG agent.

The Knowledge modules (now only LlamaIndexKnowledge; support for LangChain will come soon) are responsible for handling all RAG-related operations.

Creating Knowledge

A Knowledge object can be created with a JSON configuration to specify 1) data path, 2) data loader, 3) data preprocessing methods, and 4) embedding model (model config name). A detailed example can refer to the following:

A detailed example of Knowledge object configuration
"knowledge_id": "{your_knowledge_id}",
"emb_model_config_name": "{your_embed_model_config_name}",
"data_processing": [
    "load_data": {
      "loader": {
        "create_object": true,
        "module": "llama_index.core",
        "class": "SimpleDirectoryReader",
        "init_args": {
          "input_dir": "{path_to_your_data_dir_1}",
          "required_exts": [".md"]
    "load_data": {
      "loader": {
        "create_object": true,
        "module": "llama_index.core",
        "class": "SimpleDirectoryReader",
        "init_args": {
          "input_dir": "{path_to_your_python_code_data_dir}",
          "recursive": true,
          "required_exts": [".py"]
    "store_and_index": {
      "transformations": [
          "create_object": true,
          "module": "llama_index.core.node_parser",
          "class": "CodeSplitter",
          "init_args": {
            "language": "python",
            "chunk_lines": 100

Configuring Knowledge

The aforementioned configuration is usually saved as a JSON file, it musts contain the following key attributes,

  • knowledge_id: a unique identifier of the knowledge;

  • emb_model_config_name: the name of the embedding model;

  • chunk_size: default chunk size for the document transformation (node parser);

  • chunk_overlap: default chunk overlap for each chunk (node);

  • data_processing: a list of data processing methods.

Using LlamaIndexKnowledge

Regarding the last attribute data_processing, each entry of the list (which is a dict) configures a data loader object that loads the needed data (i.e. load_data), and a transformation object that the process the loaded data (store_and_index). Accordingly, one may load data from multiple sources (with different data loaders), process with individually defined manners (i.e. transformation or node parser), and merge the processed data into a single index for later retrieval. For more information about the components, please refer to LlamaIndex-Loading Data. In common, we need to set the following attributes

  • create_object: indicates whether to create a new object, must be true in this case;

  • module: where the class is located;

  • class: the name of the class.

More specifically, for setting the load_data, you can use a wide collection of data loaders, such as SimpleDirectoryReader (in class), provided by Llama-index, to load a various collection of data types (e.g. txt, pdf, html, py, md, etc.). Regarding this data loader, you can set the following attributes

  • input_dir: the path to the data directory;

  • required_exts: the file extensions that the data loader will load.

For more information about the data loaders, please refer to here

For store_and_index, it is optional and if it is not specified, the default transformation (a.k.a. node parser) is SentenceSplitter. For some specific node parser such as CodeSplitter, users can set the following attributes:

  • language: the language of the code;

  • chunk_lines: the number of lines for each of the code chunk.

For more information about the node parsers, please refer to here.

If users want to avoid the detailed configuration, we also provide a quick way in KnowledgeBank (see the following).

How to use a Knowledge object

After a knowledge object is created successfully, users can retrieve information related to their queries by calling .retrieve(...) function. The .retrieve function accepts at least three basic parameters:

  • query: input that will be matched in the knowledge;

  • similarity_top_k: how many most similar “data blocks” will be returned;

  • to_list_strs: whether return the retrieved information as strings.

Advanaced: In LlamaIndexKnowledge, it also supports users passing their own retriever to retrieve from knowledge.

More details inside LlamaIndexKnowledge

Here, we will use LlamaIndexKnowledge as an example to illustrate the operation within the Knowledge module. When a LlamaIndexKnowledge object is initialized, the LlamaIndexKnowledge.__init__ will go through the following steps:

  • It processes data and prepare for retrieval in LlamaIndexKnowledge._data_to_index(...), which includes

    • loading the data LlamaIndexKnowledge._data_to_docs(...);

    • preprocessing the data with preprocessing methods (e.g., splitting) and embedding model LlamaIndexKnowledge._docs_to_nodes(...);

    • get ready for being query, i.e. generate indexing for the processed data.

  • If the indexing already exists, then LlamaIndexKnowledge._load_index(...) will be invoked to load the index and avoid repeating embedding calls.

Knowledge Bank

The knowledge bank maintains a collection of Knowledge objects (e.g., on different datasets) as a set of knowledge. Thus, different agents can reuse the Knowledge object without unnecessary “re-initialization”. Considering that configuring the Knowledge object may be too complicated for most users, the knowledge bank also provides an easy function call to create Knowledge objects.

  • KnowledgeBank.add_data_as_knowledge: create Knowledge object. An easy way only requires to provide knowledge_id, emb_model_name and data_dirs_and_types. As knowledge bank process files as LlamaIndexKnowledge by default, all text file types are supported, such as .txt, .html, .md, .csv, .pdf and all code file like .py. File types other than the text can refer to LlamaIndex document.

        "../../docs/sphinx_doc/en/source/tutorial": [".md"],

More advance initialization, users can still pass a knowledge config as a parameter knowledge_config:

# load knowledge_config as dict
  • KnowledgeBank.get_knowledge: It accepts two parameters, knowledge_id and duplicate. It will return a knowledge object with the provided knowledge_id; if duplicate is true, the return will be deep copied.

  • KnowledgeBank.equip: It accepts three parameters, agent, knowledge_id_list and duplicate. The function will provide knowledge objects according to the knowledge_id_list and put them into agent.knowledge_list. If duplicate is true, the assigned knowledge object will be deep copied first.

RAG agent

RAG agent is an agent that can generate answers based on the retrieved knowledge.

  • Agent using RAG: a RAG agent has a list of knowledge objects (knowledge_list).

    • RAG agent can be initialized with a knowledge_list

        knowledge = knowledge_bank.get_knowledge(knowledge_id)
        agent = LlamaIndexAgent(
            knowledge_list=[knowledge], # provide knowledge object directly
    • If RAG agent is build with a configurations with knowledge_id_list specified, agent can load specific knowledge from a KnowledgeBank by passing it and a list ids into the KnowledgeBank.equip function.

         # >>> agent.knowledge_list
         # >>> []
         knowledge_bank.equip(agent, agent.knowledge_id_list)
         # >>> agent.knowledge_list
         # [<LlamaIndexKnowledge object at 0x16e516fb0>]
  • Agent can use the retrieved knowledge in the reply function and compose their prompt to LLMs.

Building RAG agent yourself. As long as you provide a list of knowledge id, you can pass it with your agent to the KnowledgeBank.equip. Your agent will be equipped with a list of knowledge according to the knowledge_id_list. You can decide how to use the retrieved content and even update and refresh the index in your agent’s reply function.

(Optional) Setting up a local embedding model service

For those who are interested in setting up a local embedding service, we provide the following example based on the sentence_transformers package, which is a popular specialized package for embedding models (based on the transformer package and compatible with both HuggingFace and ModelScope models). In this example, we will use one of the SOTA embedding models, gte-Qwen2-7B-instruct.

  • Step 1: Follow the instruction on HuggingFace or ModelScope to download the embedding model. (For those who cannot access HuggingFace directly, you may want to use a HuggingFace mirror by running a bash command export HF_ENDPOINT=https://hf-mirror.com or add a line of code os.environ["HF_ENDPOINT"] = "https://hf-mirror.com" in your Python code.)

  • Step 2: Set up the server. The following code is for reference.

import datetime
import argparse

from flask import Flask
from flask import request
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

def create_timestamp(format_: str = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") -> str:
    """Get current timestamp."""
    return datetime.datetime.now().strftime(format_)

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route("/embedding/", methods=["POST"])
def get_embedding() -> dict:
    """Receive post request and return response"""
    json = request.get_json()

    inputs = json.pop("inputs")

    global model

    if isinstance(inputs, str):
        inputs = [inputs]

    embeddings = model.encode(inputs)

    return {
        "data": {
            "completion_tokens": 0,
            "messages": {},
            "prompt_tokens": 0,
            "response": {
                "data": [
                        "embedding": emb.astype(float).tolist(),
                    for emb in embeddings
                "created": "",
                "id": create_timestamp(),
                "model": "flask_model",
                "object": "text_completion",
                "usage": {
                    "completion_tokens": 0,
                    "prompt_tokens": 0,
                    "total_tokens": 0,
            "total_tokens": 0,
            "username": "",

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--model_name_or_path", type=str, required=True)
    parser.add_argument("--device", type=str, default="auto")
    parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=8000)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    global model

    print("setting up for embedding model....")
    model = SentenceTransformer(

  • Step 3: start server.

python setup_ms_service.py --model_name_or_path {$PATH_TO_gte_Qwen2_7B_instruct}

Testing whether the model is running successfully.

from agentscope.models.post_model import PostAPIEmbeddingWrapper

model = PostAPIEmbeddingWrapper(
        "max_length": 4096,
        "temperature": 0.5
